Liu, S., Innes, J.L., Wei, X. (2013). Shaping forest management to climate change Forest Ecology and Management 300, 1-3.
Chen, J., Chen, B., Black, T.A, Innes, J.L, Wang, G., Kiely, G., Hirano, T., Wohlfahrt, G. (2013). Comparison of terrestrial evapotranspiration estimates using the mass transfer and Penman-Monteith equations in land surface models Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 118:1-17, doi:10.1002/2013JG002446
Chen, J., Innes, J.L. (2013). The implications of new forest tenure reforms and forestry property markets for sustainable forest management and forest certification in China Elsevier Journal of Environmental Management 129 (2013): 206-215
Yan, J., Chen, B., Feng, M., Innes, J.L., Wang, G., Fang, S., Xu, G., Zhang, H., Fu., D., Wang, H., Yu, G., Xun, X. (2013). Research on Land Surface Thermal-Hydrologic Exchange in Southern China under Future Climateand Land Cover Scenarios Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Meteorology Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 969145, 12 pages
Wang, G., Innes, J.L., Zhang, X., Wang, J. (2013). Public awareness and perceptions of watershed management in the Min River area, Fujian, China Society and Natural Resources, DOI:10.1080/089412920.2012.718411
Hajjar, R., Kozak, R.A., El-Lakany, H., Innes, J.L. (2013). Community Forests for Forest Communities: Integrating Community-Defined Goals and Practices in the Design of Forestry Initiatives. Land Use Policy 34(2013):158-167.
Wang, G., Innes, J.L., Wu, S.S., Li, Y., Dai, S., Miao, G. (2013). Major challenges facing the sustainabiltiy of the forest sector in China International Forestry Review
Wang, G., Innes, J.L., Wei, S., Wang, J., Liu, S., Zhang, Z. (2013). Watershed management in China: development, problems and strategies River Resources and Applications
Wang, G., Innes, J.L., Tikina, A., Lue, W., Yin, Y., Dai, S., Tang, Y., Zhao, Y. (2013). Forest certification: Lessons learned from the development of a Chinese National Certification Standard Forest Policy and Economics
Lim, S.S., Innes, J.L. (2013). Forest aesthetic indicators in sustainable forest management standards Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Lim, S.S., Innes, J.L., Sheppard, S. (2013). Public awareness of aesthetic and other forest values associated with sustainable forest management: a cross-cultural comparison among East Asians and Canadians Journal of Environmental Management
Lim, S.S., Innes, J.L., Meitner, M. (2013). Awareness of aesthetic and Forest Values: a comparison between the general public and forestry experts Socieity and Natural Resources
Chandran, A., Innes, J.L. (2013). State of the Forest Reports: Where next? International Forestry Review
Nitschke, C.R., Innes, J.L. (2013). Potential effect of climate change on observed fire regimes in the Cordilleran forests of South-Cnetral Interior, British Columbia Climate change, 116, 479-591
Waeber, P.O., Nitschke, C.R., Le Ferrec, A., Harshaw, H., Innes, J.L. (2013). Evaluating alternative forest management strategies for the Champagne and Aishihik Traditional Territory, southwest Yukon Elsevier Journal of Environmental Management 120 (2013): 148-156
Liu, S., Innes, J.L., Wei, X. (2013). Shaping forest mangement to climate change. (Editorial) Elsevier Forest Ecology and Management 300 (2013) 1-3
Innes, JL (2013). What will we use the forests for? Journal of Tropical Forest Science 25 (2), 151-153.
Guo, F., Innes, J.L., Ma, Z. (2013). Spatial pattern of human-caused forest fires in the Daxing’an Mountains, Heilongjiang province, China, 1972-2005 Fire Safety Journal
Guo, F., Innes, J.L., Ma, Z. (2013). Modeling the occurance of lightning-caused fires in Northern Daxing’an Mountains, China Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Waeber, P.O., Nitschke, C.R., Chavardès, R., Herrmann, S., Innes, J.L. (2013). The sensitivity of tree species at the site and landscape-level to disturbance and climate change in the southwest Yukon, Canada Forest Ecology and Management
Chavardes, R.D., Daniels, L.D., Waeber, P.O., Innes, J.L., Nitschke, C.R. (2013). Unstable climate-growth relations for white spruce in southwest Yukon, Canada Climatic Change 116: 593-611.
Chavardès, R.D., Daniels, L.D., Waeber, P.O., Innes, J.L., Nitschke, C.R. (2012). Did the 1976-77 switch in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation make white spruce in the southwest Yukon more susceptible to spruce bark beetle? The Forestry Chronicle 88: 513-518
Waeber, P.O., Nitschke, C.R., Le Ferrec, A., Harshawl, H. and Innes, J.L. (2012). Filtering socially balanced forest management strategies for the Champagne and Aishihik Traditional Territory, southwest Yukon Society and Natural Resources
Hajjar, R., Kozak, R.A., Innes, J.L. (2012). Is Decentralization Leading to “Real” Decision-Making Power for Forest-Dependent Communities? Case Studies from Mexico and Brazil. Ecology and Society 17(1):12.
Tikina, A., Kozak, R.A., Innes, J.L., Duinker, P., Larson, B. (2012). Forest Certification in Canada: Perceptions of Provincial and Territorial Government Employees. The Forestry Chronicle 88(1):40-48.
Strimbu, B.M., Innes, J.L. (2012). Framework for assessing the impact of human activities on the environment: the impact of forest harvesting and retroleum drilling on habitat of moose (Alces alces) and martin (Martens americana) -Biodiversity and Conservation, (2012)21:933-955 DOI 10.1007/s10531-012-0228-z
Wang, G., Innes, J.L., Wu, S.W., Krzyzanowski, J., Yin, Y., Dai, S., Zhang, X., Liu, S. (2012). National Park Development in China: Conservation or Commercialization? Ambio 2012, 41:247-261
Wang, G.Y., Innes, J.L., Yang, Y., Chen, S., Krzyzanowski, J., Xie, J., Lin, W. (2012). Extent of soil erosion and surface runoff associated with large-scale infrastructure development in Fujian Province, China Catena, 89(1), 22-30.
Klenk N., B. Adams, G.Q. Bull, J. Innes, S. Cohen and B. Larson. (2011). Climate change adaptation and sustainable forest management: a proposed reflexive research agenda. Forestry Chronicle. 87(3):351-357.
Strimbu, B. and Innes, J.L. (2011). An analytical platform for cumulative impact assessment in northeastern British Columbia Journal of Environmental Management, in press.
Chen, J., A. Tikina, A, R.A. Kozak, J.L. Innes and B. Larson (2011). The Efficacy of Forest Certification: Perceptions of Canadian Forest Products Retailers. The Forestry Chronicle 87(5):636-643.
Hajjar, R., McGrath, D.G., Kozak, R.A., Innes, J.L. (2011). Framing Community Forestry Challenges with a Broader Lens: Case Studies from the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Environmental Management 92(2011):2159-2169.
Chen, J., Innes, J.L., Kozak, R.A. (2011). An Exploratory Assessment of the Attitudes of Chinese Wood Products Manufacturers towards Forest Certification. Journal of Environmental Management 92(11):2984-2992.
Chen, J., J.L. Innes and R.A. Kozak (2010) An Exploratory Assessment of the Attitudes of Chinese Wood Products Manufacturers towards Forest Certification. Submitted to Journal of Environmental Management, December 2010.
Renaud, V., Innes, J.l., Dobbertin, M. and Rebetez, M. (2010) Comparison between open-site and below-canopy climatic conditions in Switzerland for different types of forests over 10 years (1998-2007) Theoretical and Applied Climatology, DOI 10.1007/s00704-010-0361-0
Innes, J.L. (2010) Madagascar rosewood, illegal logging and the tropical timber trade Madagascar Conservation and Development 5 (1), 6-10.
Timko, J.A., R.A. Kozak and J.L. Innes (2010) HIV/AIDS and Forests in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring the Links Between Morbidity, Mortality, and Dependence on Biodiversity. Biodiversity 11(1&2):45-48.
Krzyzanowski, J. and J.L. Innes (2010) Back to the basics – estimating the sensitivity of freshwater to acidification using traditional approaches. Journal of Environmental Management 91, 1227-1236.
Tikina, A.V., J.L. Innes, R.L. Trosper, and B.C. Larson (2010) Aboriginal people and forest certification: a review of the Canadian situation. Ecology and Society, vol 15 (3), article 33
Strimbu, B.M., J.L. Innes, V.F. Strimbu (2010) A deterministic harvest scheduler using perfect bin-packing theorem. European Journal of Forest Research 129, 961-974.
Chen, J., Innes, J.L., Tikina, A. (2010) Private cost-benefits of voluntary forest product certification. International Forestry Review 12 (1), 1-12.
Krzyzanowski, J., 2009. The importance of policy in emissions inventory accuracy – a lesson from British Columbia, Canada. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 59: 430-439
Hajjar, R., J.L. Innes (2009) The evolution of the World Bank’s policy towards forestry: Push or pull? International Forestry Review 11, 27-37.
Innes, J.L. (2009) The promotion of ‘innovation’ in forestry: the role of government or others? Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 6(3): 201-215.
Wang, G., J.L. Innes, X. Zhang, J. Wang (2009) Public awareness and perceptions of watershed management in the Min River area, Fujian, China Society and Natural Resources, accepted.
Strimbu, B., Hickey, G.M., Strimbu, V.G. and Innes, J.L. (2009) On the use of statistical tests with non-normally distributed data in landscape change detection Forest Science 55, 72-83.
Wang, G., Innes, J.L., Liu, J., Yu, K. and Yan, K.H.B. (2009) Sustainability and land-use pattern change detection in the Min River Watershed, Fujian, China Land Use Policy, submitted
Wang, G., J.L. Innes (2009) Watershed management in China: past, present and future development Land Use and Water Resources Research, submitted
Murray, S. and Innes, J.L. (2009) The effects of environment on fish assemblage structure in the MacKenzie River drainage basin in Northeast British Columbia Ecology of Freshwater Fish 18, 183-196.
Greskiw, G. and Innes, J.L. (2009) Respecting the oral and literate in co-management communication Forestry Chronicle 85, 719-724.
Timko, J. and Innes, J.L. (2009) Evaluating the effectiveness of national parks: case studies from Canada and South Africa Biological Conservation 142: 676-688.
Ogden, A.E. and Innes, J.L. (2009) Boreal forest renewal under climate change: an assessment of alternative adaptation strategies Ecology and Society, in press
Ogden, A.E. and Innes, J.L. (2009) Adapting to climate change in the boreal forest: locally identified research and monitoring needs to support decision-making on sustainable forest management Arctic 62 (2), 159-174.
Innes, J.L. and 37 others (2009) Vital Forest Graphics – Stopping the Downswing? United Nations Environment Program, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and United Nations Forum on Forests
Greskiw, G. and J.L. Innes (2009) Natural resources planning as social learning. Ecology and Society, submitted.
Renaud, V., J.L. Innes and M. Rebetez (2009) Comparison between open-site and below-canopy climatic conditions in Switzerland for diferent types of forests over 10 years (1998-2007) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (submitted).
Innes, J.L. (2009) Book Review: Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe 2007. State of Europe’s forests 2007. The MCPFE Report on Sustainable Forest Management in Europe. Forest Policy and Economics 11: 149-150.
Innes, J.L., Joyce, L.A., Kellomaki, S., Louman, B., Ogden, A., Parrotta, J. and Thompson, I. (2009) Management for adaptation. In: Seppala, R. (ed.) Adaptation of Forests and People to Climate Change., IUFRO World Series, Volume 22. International Union of Forest Research Organizations, Vienna. pp. 135-169.
Strimbu, B. and Innes, J.L. (2009) Multimodeling assessment of the impact of petroleum drilling and forest harvesting on wildlife habitat in northeastern British Columbia Environmental Management, submitted
Lee, D.K., Koch, N.E., Innes, J.L. and Mayer, P. (2009) Emerging issues in forest science. Proceedings of the World Forestry Congress, Argentina October 2009.
Hajjar, R., Gough, A., Mathey, A.-H., Nitschke, C., Paudel, S.K., Skrivanos, P., Waeber, P.O. and Innes, J.L. (2009) Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in the face of decentralization: are they still relevant in their current form? Proceedings of the World Forestry Congress, Argentina.
Innes, J.L., Lei, J., Wang, G.Y., Lu, W., Dai, S., Tang, X. and Zhao, Y. (2009) Development and progress of forest certification in China. Proceedings of the World Forestry Congress, Argentina
Wang, G.Y., Miao, G., Innes, J., Dai, S., Lu, W., Tang, X., Zhao, Y. (2009) New market systems for post-reform development of collective forest tenures in China: Progress, issues and challenges. Proceedings of the World Forestry Congress, Argentina.
Nitschke, C.R. and Innes, J.L. (2009) Climate-smart management: A paradigm for integrating climatic change into forest management and planning. -Forest Ecology and Management, in press
Innes, J.L. (2008) Book Review: Carol J. Pierce Colfer (editor) 2008. Human health and forests. A global overview of issues, practice and policy. International Forestry Review 10: 700-701.
Innes, J.L. (2008) Book Review: Kangas, A., Kangas, J. and Kurttila, M. 2008. Decision support for forest management. International Forestry Review 10: 701-702.
Innes, J.L. (2008) Book Review: FAO 2007 The world’s mangroves 1980-2005. International Forestry Review 10: 703-704.
Innes, J.L. (2008) Forest sciences in the world of tomorrow iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry 1, 140.
Wang, G.Y., Innes, J.L., Wu, S. and Dai, S.Y. (2008) Towards a new paradigm: development and implications of China’s forestry in the 21st century International Forestry Review 10: 619-631
Gough, A.D., J.L. Innes and S.D. Allen (2008) Development of common indicators of sustainable forest management. Ecological Indicators 8: 425-430.
Nitschke, C.R. and J.L. Innes (2008) Climate change and fire potential in south-central British Columbia, Canada Global Change Biology 14(4), 841-855.
Wang, G.-Y., J.L. Innes, S.-Y. Dai, and G.-H. He (2008) Achieving sustainable rural development in Southern China: the contribution of bamboo forestry. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 15, 484-495.
Greskiw, G., and J.L. Innes (2008) Co-managing communication crises and opportunities between the Northern Secwepemc First Nations and the Province of British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38, 1935-1946.
Tikina, A., and J.L. Innes (2008) A framework for assessing the effectiveness of forest certification. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38, 1357-1365.
Nitschke, C.R., and J.L. Innes (2008) Integrating climate change into forest management in south-central British Columbia: An assessment of landscape vulnerability and the development of a climate smart framework. Forest Ecology and Management 256(3), 313-327
Nitschke, C.R. and J.L. Innes (2008) A tree and climate assessment tool for modelling ecosystem response to climate change Ecological Modelling 210 (3), 263-277.
Ogden, A.E. and J.L. Innes (2008) Climate change adaptation and regional forest planning in southern Yukon, Canada. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 13, 833-861.
Innes, J.L. (2008) Book review: David Humphreys, Editor, Logjam: Deforestation and the Crisis of Global Governance, Earthscan, London (2006) 302 pp.. Forest Policy and Economics 10 (3), 155-157.
Wang, G.Y., Innes, J.L., Wu, S.W., Dai, S.Y. and Lei, J.F. (2008) The need to cut China’s illegal timber imports – Response Science 319, 1184-1185
Wang, G.Y., Innes, J.L., Lei, J.F., Dai, S.Y., Wu, S.W. (2007) China’s forestry reforms Science 318, 1556-1557
Nitschke, C.R. and Innes, J.L. (2007) Impact of climate change on landscape level fire severity ratings in the North Okanagan, British Columbia, Canada In: Joyce, L., Haynes, R., and Barbour, J. (tech. coords.) Bringing climate change into natural resources management: proceedings, pp. 144-145., US Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR
Innes, J.L. and D.M. Ward (2007) Training at professional and technical levels. in Commonwealth Forestry Association (ed.), Commonwealth Forests. An overview of the Commonwealth’s forest resources. pp. 42-53., Commonwealth Forestry Association
Mathey, A.-H., E. Krcmar, J.L. Innes, I. Vertinsky (2007) Opportunities and costs of intensification and clustering of forest management activities. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38(4), 711-720.
Ogden, A.E. and J.L. Innes (2007) Incorporating climate change adaptation considerations into forest management planning in the boreal forest International Forestry Review 9(3), 713-733
Ogden, A.E. and J.L. Innes (2007) Perspectives of forest practitioners on climate change adaptation in the northern forest sector, Canada Forestry Chronicle 83(4), 557-569
Hickey, G.M. and Innes, J.L. (2007) Indicators for demonstrating sustainable forest management in British Columbia, Canada: An international review. Ecological Indicators 8(2), 131-140.
Nitschke, C.R., G.M. Hickey, J.L. Innes (2007) Effectiveness monitoring of biodiversity in dynamic environments: Is it possible? In: Innes, J.L., Timko, J.A. (eds.) Monitoring the effectiveness of biological conservation: proceedings, pp. 33-45. Available at:
Innes, J.L., J.A. Timko (2007) Monitoring the effectiveness of biological conservation: proceedings Available at:
Hickey, G.M., J.L. Innes and R.A. Kozak (2007) Monitoring and Information Reporting for Sustainable Forest Management: A Regional Comparison of Stakeholder Perceptions. Journal of Environmental Management 84(4):572-585.
Mathey, A.-H., Krcmar, E., Tait, D., Vertinksy, I., Innes, J.L. (2007) Forest planning using coevolutionary cellular automata Forest Ecology and Management, 239 (2007) 45-56
Innes, J.L. (2006) Forest management and indigenous peoples in western Canada In: Vogt, K.A., Honea, J.M., Vogt, D.J., Edmonds, R.L., Patel-Weynand, T., Sigurdardottir, R. and Andreu, M.G. (eds.) Forests and society: Sustainability and life cycles of forests and human landscapes pp. 109-110., CABI International, Wallingford.
Innes, J.L. (2006) Acid rain, air pollution and forest decline In: Vogt, K.A., Honea, J.M., Vogt, D.J., Edmonds, R.L., Patel-Weynand, T., Sigurdardottir, R. and Andreu, M.G. (eds.) Forests and society: Sustainability and life cycles of forests and human landscapes. pp. 177-179., CABI International, Wallingford.
Krzyzanowski, J., I.G. McKendry, and J.L. Innes (2006) Evidence of elevated ozone concentrations in the Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 173, 273-287
Morford, S., R.A. Kozak, M. Suvedi and J.L. Innes (2006) Factors Affecting Program Evaluation Behaviours of Natural Resource Extension Practitioners – Motivation and Capacity Building. Journal of Extension 44(3), Article No. 3FEA7.
Hickey, G.M. and J.L. Innes (2006) Monitoring and information reporting through regulation: An inter-jurisdictional comparison of forestry-related hard laws Silva Fennica 40(2), 365-387
Hickey, G.M., J.L. Innes, R.A. Kozak, G.Q. Bull and I. Vertinsky (2006) Monitoring and Information Reporting for Sustainable Forest Management: An Inter-Jurisdictional Comparison of Soft Law Standards. Forest Policy and Economics 9(4):297-315.
Nitschke, C.R. and J.L. Innes (2006) Interactions between fire, climate change and forest biodiversity: a review. Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 1 (60), 1-9.
Sakals, M.E., J.L. Innes, D.J. Wilford, R.C. Sidle, and G.E. Grant (2006) The role of forests in reducing hydrogeomorphic hazards Forest, Snow and Landscape Research 80(1), 11-22
Wilford, D.J., Innes, J.L., Hogan, D.L. (2006) Protection Forests: Recognizing and maintaining the forest influence with regard to hydrogeomorphic processes Forest, Snow and Landscape Research 80(1), 7-10
Innes, J.L., G.M. Hickey (2006) The importance of climate change in considering the role of forests in the alleviation of poverty. International Forestry Review 8 (4), 406-416.
Angelstam, P., J.L. Innes, P. Niemela and J. Spence (2005) BorNet – a boreal network for sustainable forest management. Ecological Bulletins 51: 25-27
Angelstam, P., S. Boutin, F. Schmiegelow, M.-A. Villard, P. Drapeau, G. Host, J.L. Innes, G. Isachenko, M. Kuuluvainen, M. Moenkkoenen, P. Niemela, G. Niemi, J.-M. Roberge, J. Spence, and D. Stone (2005) Targets for boreal forest biodiversity conservation – a rationale for macroecological research and adaptive management Ecological Bulletins 51: 487-509
Innes, J.L. (2005) The importance of climate change in considering the role of forests in the alleviation of poverty. Proceedings of the Commonwealth Forestry Congress, Sri Lanka
Innes, J.L. and H.F. Hoen (2005) The importance for forestry of changes in the socio-economic environment. In: Innes, J.L., G.M. Hickey and H.F. Hoen (eds) Forestry and Environmental Change: Socioeconomic and Political Dimensions., CABI Publishing, Wallingford
Whittaker, C., K. Squires, and J.L. Innes (2005) Biodiversity research in the boreal forests of Canada: protection, management and monitoring Ecological Bulletins 51: 59-76
Wang, G.Y. and J.L. Innes (2005) Watershed sustainability: Strategic and tactical level assessments in the Min River Watershed, China Environmental Informatics Archives 3, 76-83
Nitschke, C.R. and J.L. Innes (2005) The application of forest zoning as alternative to multiple use forestry. In: Innes, J.L., G.M. Hickey and H.F. Hoen (eds) Forestry and Environmental Change: Socioeconomic and Political Dimensions. pp. 97-124., CABI Publishing, Wallingford
Innes, J.L. and Hickey, G.M. (2005) Certification of forest management and wood products In: Innes, J.L., G.M. Hickey and H.F. Hoen (eds) Forestry and Environmental Change: Socioeconomic and Political Dimensions. pp. 143-168., CABI Publishing, Wallingford
Innes, J.L., G.M. Hickey and H.F. Hoen (2005) Forestry and Environmental Change: socioeconomic and political dimensions CABI Publishing, Wallingford.
Innes, J.L. (2005) Multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and training in forestry and forest research Forestry Chronicle 81 (3), 324-329.
Innes, J.L. and A.H. Mathey (2005) Recent developments in silviculture. Canadian Silviculture, Spring 2005, pp. 23-26.
Innes, J.L. (2005) Long-term forst experiments: the need to convert data into knowledge In: Peterson, C.E. and D.A. Maguire (eds.) Balancing ecosystem values: innovative experiments for sutainable forestry. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-635, pp. 25-31., USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station
Innes, J.L., and H.F. Hoen (2005) The changing context of forestry. In: Innes, J.L., G.M. Hickey and H.F. Hoen (eds.) Forestry and Environmental Change: Socioeconomic and political dimensions. pp. 1-14., CABI Publishing, Wallingford.
Hickey, G.M., and Innes, J.L. (2005) Scientific Review and Gap Analysis of Sustainable Forest Management Criteria and Indicators Initiatives FORREX Series No. 17. 54 pp., FORREX, Kamloops
Innes, J.L. (2005) Driving changes in the focus of natural resources research BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management 6(2), 87-90, FORREX
Wilford, D.J., M.E. Sakals, and J.L. Innes (2005) Forest management on fans: Hydrogeomorphic hazards and general prescriptions. BC Ministry of Forests, Land Management Handbook, BC Ministry of Forests, Victoria, BC
Hickey, G.M. and J.L Innes (2005) Monitoring sustainable forest management in different jurisdictions Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 108, 241-260.
Wilford, D., M.E. Sakals, and J.L. Innes (2005) Fans with forests: contemporary hydrogeomorphic processes on fans with forests in west central British Columbia, Canada. In: Harvey, A.M, A. Mather, and M. Stokes (eds.). Alluvial Fans. Geological Society of London Special Publications 251, 25–40., Geological Society of London, London.
Hickey, G.M., J.L. Innes, R.A. Kozak, G.Q. Bull and I. Vertinsky (2005) Monitoring and Information Reporting for Sustainable Forest Management: An International Multiple Case Study Analysis. Forest Ecology and Management 209(2005):237-259.
Innes, J.L. (2004) Challenges facing forestry educators in North America. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Forest Research and Education for the 21st Century, pp. 136-150., Seoul National University, Seoul
Innes, J.L., G.M. Hickey and B. Wilson (eds.) (2004) International perspectives on streamlining local-level information for sustainable forest management. A selection of papers from a conference held in Vancouver, Canada, August 28 and 29, 2000. Natural Resources Canada – Canadian Forest Service – Pacific Forestry Centre. Information Report BC-X-400. 109 pp., Natural Resources Canada, Victoria
Niemann, T. and J.L. Innes (2004) Streamlining local-level information for sustainable forest management In: Innes, J.L., G.M. Hickey and B. Wilson (eds.) International perspectives on streamlining local-level information for sustainable forest management. A selection of papers from a conference held in Vancouver, Canada, August 28 and 29, 2000. pp. 1-16., Natural Resources Canada, Victoria
Innes, J.L., B. Wilson and G.M. Hickey (2004) Streamlining planning and reporting for sustainable forest management In: Innes, J.L., G.M. Hickey and B. Wilson (eds.) International perspectives on streamlining local-level information for sustainable forest management. A selection of papers from a conference held in Vancouver, Canada, August 28 and 29, 2000. pp. 104-109., Natural Resources Canada, Victoria
Peterson, D.L. J.L. Innes, and K. O”Brian (2004) Climate change, carbon and forestry in Northwestern North America: Proceedings of a workshop. November 14-15, 2001, Orcas Island, Washington United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Proceedings PNW-GTR-614. Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, Oregon (USA).
Innes, J.L., and D.L. Peterson (2004) Proceedings introduction: Managing forests in a greenhouse world – context and challenges In: Climate change, carbon and forestry in Northwestern North America: Proceedings of a workshop. November 14-15, 2001, Orcas Island, Washington. USDA Forest Service Proceedings PNW-GTR-614. Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, Oregon (USA). Peterson, D.L., J.L. Innes, and K. O”Brian (editors). pp. 1-9.
Wilford, D.J., M.E. Sakals, J.L. Innes, and D. Ripmeester (2004) Kitsequecla fan case study: specific risk analysis. In: VanDine, D., M. Wise, and G. Moore (eds.). Landslide hazard and risk case studies in forest planning and operations. Ministry of Forests, Victoria, BC. Land Management Handbook No. 56. pp. 83-89.
Hickey, G, and J.L. Innes (2004) The Battle of Evermore? Global lessons from hard versus soft laws for monitoring forestry. XXI World Forestry Congress Proceedings 3, 283.
Wilford, D.J., M.E. Sakals, J.L. Innes, R.C. Sidle, and W.A. Bergerud (2004) Recognition of debris flow, debris flood and flood hazard through watershed morphometrics Landslides 1:61-66.
Innes, J.L. (2004) Carbon cycle pp. 139-144. Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences. Edited by J. Evans and J. Burley, Elsevier Ltd.
(2004) Application of structured decision making to an assessment of climate change
(2004) natural resource planning:
Cherubini, P., Gartner, B.L., Tognetti, R., Braeker, O.U., Schoch, W. and Innes, J.L. (2003) Identification, measurement and interpretation of tree rings in woody species from Mediterranean climates. Biological Review 78, 119-148.
Work, T.T., J.R. Spence, W.J.A. Volney, L.E. Morgantini, and J.L. Innes (2003) Integrating biodiversity and forestry practices in western Canada Forestry Chronicle 79(5):906-916
Fontana, G., P. Cherubini, D. Rigling, M. Dobbertin, P. Brang, and J.L. Innes (2003) Ricostruzione della storia di un popolamento di pino montano (Pinus mugo Turra) nel Parco Nazionale Svizzero: gli anelli annuali testimoni di azioni di disturbo antropiche e naturali. Monti e Boschi 54:34-40
Er, K.B.H., and J.L. Innes (2003) The presence of old-growth characteristics as a criterion for identifying forests of high conservation value. International Forestry Review 5:1-8.
Innes, J.L. (2003) The incorporation of research into attempts to improve forest policy in British Columbia. Forest Policy and Economics 5:349-359
Wilford, D., M.E. Sakals, and J.L. Innes (2003) Forestry on fans: a problem analysis. Forestry Chronicle 79(2):291-296
Innes, J.L. (2003) The Global Forest Information System. In: Innes, T. (ed.) Proceedings of the Natural Resources Information Management Forum., FORREX – Forest Research and Extension Partnership, Kamloops
Ferretti, M., J.L. Innes, R. Jalkanen, M. Saurer, J. Schäffer, H. Spiecker, and K. von Wilpert (2003) Air pollution and environmental chemistry – what role for tree-ring studies? Dendrochonologia 20, 159-174.
Er, K.B.H., J.L. Innes, and A. Kozak (2003) Effects of census duration on estimates of winter bird abundance and species richness along line transects in coastal coniferous forest fragments. Journal of Field Ornithology 74, 119-124
Innes, J.L. and K.B.H. Er (2002) Questionable utility of the frontier forest concept. BioScience 52, 1095-1109
Innes, J.L., and J.M. Skelly (2002) Forest decline and air pollution: an assessment of ‘forest health’ in the forests of Europe, the Northeastern United States, and Southeastern Canada. pp. 273-294, In: Air pollution and plant life. 2nd edition. Ed. Bell, J.N.B. and Treshow, M., John Wiley, London
Innes, J.L., and B.H. Er (2002) Global forest regulation in the ten years after Rio. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17(9): 445.
Innes, J.L. (2002) Social science and research in forestry: Are we incorporating the human dimension? pp. 4-8, in: Morford, S. and James, J. (eds.) Incorporating the Human Dimension: The role of social science in natural resource management in British Columbia. FORREX Series 5., Forest Research and Extension Partnership, Kamloops
Cherubini, P., Innes, J.L., Skelly, J.M., Hug, C., Schaub, M., and Kräuchi, N. (2002) La divulgazione dei risultati di dieci anni di ricerca sui danni da ozono troposferico nei boschi in Svizzera. Informatore Fitopatologico 52, March 2002, 48-51
Whittaker, C., and J.L. Innes (2002) Workshop Proceedings. BorNet Canadian Regional Workshop, October 13-14, 2001, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. BorNet Canada, Vancouver.
Whittaker, C., and J.L. Innes (2002) Workshop Proceedings. BorNet Canadian Regional Workshop, November 17-18, 2001, Edmonton, Alberta. BorNet Canada, Vancouver.
Whittaker, C., and J.L. Innes (2002) Workshop Proceedings. BorNet Canadian Regional Workshop, November 23-24, 2001, Prince George, British Columbia. BorNet Canada, Vancouver.
Cherubini, P., Fontana, G., Rigling, D., Dobbertin, M., Brnag, P., Innes, J.L. (2002) Tree-life history prior to death: two fungal root pathogens affect tree-growth differently. Journal of Ecology 90, 839-850.
Wilford, D., M.E. Sakals, and J.L. Innes (2001) Forest management and restoration on fans. Watershed Restoration Technical Bulletin – Streamline 6(3):1-8.
Innes, J.L., and D.F. Karnosky (2001) Impacts of environmental stress on forest health: The need for more accurate indicators. Pp. 215-230 in R.J. Raison, A.G. Brown, and D.W. Flinn (eds.) Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management., CABI Publishing, Wallingford.
Innes, J.L., J.M. Skelly, and M. Schaub (2001) Ozone and broad-leaved species. A guide to the identification of ozone-induced foliar injury. Haupt, Bern
Larsson, T.-B., P. Angelstam, G. Balent, A. Barbati, R,-J. Bijlsma, A. Boncina, R. Bradshaw, W. Bücking, O. Ciancio, P. Corona, J. Diaci, S. Dias, H. Ellenberg, F.M. Fernandes, F. Fernández-Gonzalez, R. Ferris, G. Frank, P. Friis Møller, P.S. Giller, L. Gustafsson, K. Halbritter, S. Hall, L. Hansson, J.L. Innes, H. Jactel, M. Kaennel et al. (2001) Biodiversity evaluation tools for European forests. Ecological Bulletins 50, 1-237.
Innes, J.L., and G.Q. Bull (2000) Forestry management and production Nature Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, Nature Publishing Group
Innes, J.L., G. Schneiter, P. Waldner, and O.-U. Bräker (2000) Latitudinal variations in tree growth in southern Chile. Pp. 177-192 in F. Roig, (ed.), South American Dendrochronology Handbook., Red Latinoamericana de Botánica, Mendoza, Argentina.
Cherubini, P., and J.L. Innes (2000) Switzerland: The Swiss long-term forest ecosystem research programme. Pp. 56-59 in J.R. Gosz, C. French, P. Sprott, and M. White (eds.), The International Long-Term Ecological Research Network 2000. US LTER Network Office, University of New Mexico.
Cozzi, A., M. Ferretti and J.L. Innes. (2000) Sintomi fogliari attribuibili ad ozono sulla vegetazione spontanea in Valtellina. Monti e Boschi 51(3/4):42-49.
Haron, A.H. and J.L. Innes. (2000) Conclusions. Pp. 241-244 in J.L. Innes and A.H. Haron (eds.), Air Pollution and the Forests of Developing and Rapidly Industrializing Regions. Report No. 4 of the IUFRO Task Force on Environmental Change. 262 pp., CABI Publishing, Wallingford, U.K.
Innes, J.L. (2000) It’s time to look at forestry developments beyond Canada. Logging and Sawmilling Journal, p. 105.
Innes, J.L. (2000) Forest condition and damage to forests and other wooded land. Pp. 297-336 in Temperate and Boreal Forest Resource Assessment., United Nations, New York.
Innes, J.L. (2000) Forest decline, air pollution and other anthropogenic and natural factors. Pp. 76-81 in M. Price (ed.), Forests in Sustainable Mountain Development: A State-of-Knowledge Report for 2000., CABI Publishing, Wallingford, U.K.
Innes, J.L. (2000) Task force on environmental change. Status Report. IUFRO News 29(4):9.
Innes, J.L. (2000) The importance of woodfuels as a source of pollution in developing and rapidly industrializing countries. Pp. 189-198 in J.L. Innes and A.H. Haron (eds.), Air Pollution and the Forests of Developming and Rapidly Industrializing Regions. Report No. 4 of the IUFRO Task Force on Environmental Change. 262 pp., CABI Publishing, Wallingford, U.K.
Innes, J.L., M. Beniston and M. Verstraete (2000) Effects of Biomass Burning on Climate. Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht. 358 pp.
Innes, J.L. and A.H. Haron (2000) Air Pollution and the Forests of Developing and Rapidly Industrializing Regions. Report No. 4 of the IUFRO Task Force on Environmental Change., CABI Publishing, Wallingford, U.K. 262 pp.
Innes, J.L. and A.H. Haron. (2000) Air pollution and forestry in rapidly industrializing countries: An introduction. Pp. 1-14 in J.L. Innes and A.H. Haron (eds.), Air Pollution and the Forests of Developming and Rapidly Industrializing Regions. Report No. 4 of the IUFRO Task Force on Environmental Change. 262 pp., CABI Publishing, Wallingford, U.K.
Innes, J.L. and J. Oleksyn (2000) Forest Dynamics in Heavily Polluted Regions. CABI Publishing, Oxford. 248 pp.
Innes, J.L., and M.N. Salleh. (2000) Forests and Society. NIA Reports, Vol. 12, Special Issue 5, (Proceedings of the Welt Foum Wald ‘Forests and Society’, 26-28 November 1999), pp. 3-7., Alfred Toepfer Akademie fuer Naturschutz, Germany.
Tognetti, R., P. Cherubini and J.L. Innes. (2000) Comparative stem-growth rates of Mediterranean trees under background and naturally enhanced ambient CO2 concentrations. New Phytologist 146:59-74.
Innes J.L., G.Q. Bull, and J. Williams (2000) A Review of Forest Tenure Policy, Legislation and Regulation in Selected International Jurisdictions. BC Ministry of Forest, Forest Practises Branch. Victoria. BC. 191pp.
Bull G. Q. and J.L. Innes (2000) A Review of Forest Practices Legislation, Regulation and Guidelines in Selected International Jurisdictions. BC Ministry of Forest, Forest Practices Branch. Victoria. BC. 178pp.
Mattysek, R. and J.L. Innes. (1999) Ozone – a risk factor for trees and forests in Europe? Water, Air and Soil Pollution 116:199-226.
Skelly, J.M., J.L. Innes and M.J. Sanz. (1999) Observation and confirmation of ozone symptoms of native plant species of Switzerland and southern Spain. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 116:227-234.
1999. Innes, J.L. and Oleksyn, J. (eds.) Forest dynamics in heavily polluted regions. CABI Publishing, Oxford, 250 pp.
1999. Innes, J.L., Skelly, J.M., Hug, C., VanderHeyden, D.J. and Cherubini, C. Danni da ozono su piante forestali in Ticino. In: Cherubini, P. and Moretti, G. (eds) L’ozono nel bosco ticinese. Istituto federale di ricerca per la foresta, la neve e il paesaggio, Birmensdorf, and Sezione forestale, Dipartimento del territorio Canton Ticino, Bellinzona. pp 12-14.
1999. Innes, J.L., Beniston, M. and Verstraete, M. (eds.) Biomass burning and its inter-relationships with the climate system. Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht, 358 pp.
1999. Tognetti, R., Cherubini, P. and Innes, J.L. Growth responses of five Mediterranean trees to long-term elevated CO2 concentrations. New Phytologist , 146 , 59-74.
1998. Innes, J.L. and Koch, B. The assessment of forest biodiversity by remote sensing. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 7 , 397-419.
1998. Innes, J.L., Keller, W. and Bösch, R. Biodiversity assessments in Swiss forest ecosystem monitoring plots. In: Dallmeier and J.A. Comiskey (eds.) Forest biodiversity: Research, monitoring and modeling. Conceptual background and Old World case studies. Parthenon Publishing, New York, pp. 371-398.
1998. Beniston. M. and Innes, J.L. (eds.) The impacts of climate variability on forests. Springer Verlag, Berlin. 329 pp.
1998. Cherubini, P., Dobbertin, M. and Innes, J.L. Long-term forest growth trends reconstructed from tree rings: A case study of sampling bias from the Italian Alps. Forest Ecology and Management 109 , 103-118.
1998. Innes, J.L., Schneiter, G., Waldner, P. and Bräker, O.-U. Latitudinal variations in tree growth in southern Chile. In: Roig, F. (ed.) South American Dendrochronology Handbook. Red Latinoamericana de Botánica, Mendoza, pp. 177-192.
1998. Dobbertin, M., Ghosh, S., Brang, P., and Innes, J.L. Kronenverlichtung. In: Brang, P. (ed.) Sanasilva-Bericht 1997. Gesundheit und Gefährdung des Schweizer Waldes – eine Zwischenbilanz nach 15 Jahren Waldschadenforschung. Berichte der Eidgenössischen Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf, pp. 19-23.
1998. Innes, J.L., Achermann, B., Volz, R. and Brang, P. Ist der Wald durch anthropogene Belastungen gefährdet? In: Brang, P. (ed.) Sanasilva-Bericht 1997. Gesundheit und Gefährdung des Schweizer Waldes – eine Zwischenbilanz nach 15 Jahren Waldschadenforschung. Berichte der Eidgenössischen Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf, pp. 43-51.
1998. Kräuchi, N., Innes, J.L. Langfristige Waldökosystem-Forschung. Das schweizerische Programm. In: Brang, P. (ed.) Sanasilva-Bericht 1997. Gesundheit und Gefährdung des Schweizer Waldes – eine Zwischenbilanz nach 15 Jahren Waldschadenforschung. Berichte der Eidgenössischen Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf, pp.58-59.
1998. Skelly, J.M., Innes, J.L., Snyder, K.R., Savage, J.E., Hug, C., Landolt, W. and Bleuler, P. Investigations of ozone induced injury in forests of southern Switzerland: Field surveys and open-top chamber experiments. Chemosphere 36 , 995-1000.
1998. Innes, J.L. Role of diagnostic studies in forest monitoring programmes. Chemosphere 36 , 1025-1030.
1998. Innes, J.L., Volz, R., Brang, P. Gesamtbeurteilung aus wissenscahftlicher Sicht. In: Brang, P. (ed.) Sanasilva-Bericht 1997. Gesundheit und Gefährdung des Schweizer Waldes – eine Zwischenbilanz nach 15 Jahren Waldschadenforschung. Berichte der Eidgenössischen Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf, pp. 62-64.
1998. Brang, P., Innes, J.L. and Dobbertin, M. Interpretation der Kronen-verlichtungsdaten der Sanasilva-Inventur. In: Brang, P. (ed.) Sanasilva-Bericht 1997. Gesundheit und Gefährdung des Schweizer Waldes – eine Zwischenbilanz nach 15 Jahren Waldschadenforschung. Berichte der Eidgenössischen Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf, pp. 30-37.
1998. Innes, J.L. Air pollution effects in forest ecosystems. In: Problemas sanitarios en los sistemas forestales: de los espacios protegidos a los cultivos de especies de crecimiento rápido , Ed. G. Sanchez. Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Valencia, pp. 67-106.
1998. Ghosh, S., Skelly, J.M., Innes, J.L., Skelly, L. Temporal development of visual ozone injury on the foliage of Prunus serotina – a statistical evaluation. Environmental Pollution 102 , 287-300.
1998. Innes, J.L. An assessment of the use of crown structure for the determination of the health of beech (Fagus sylvatica). Forestry 71 , 113-130.
1998. Innes, J.L. Measuring environmental change. In: Peterson, D.L. and Parker, T. (eds.) Scale Issues in Ecology. Columbia University Press, pp. 429-457.
1998. Innes, J.L. The impact of climatic extremes on forests: introduction. In: Beniston, M. and Innes, J.L. (eds.) Past, present and future climate variability and extremes: The impacts on forests. Springer Verlag, pp. 1-18.
1998. Innes, J.L. Economic evaluation of the impacts of ozone on European forests: Implications of the results of the UNECE International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests and the European Union Scheme on the Protection of Forests Against Atmospheric Pollution. In Skärby, L. (ed.) Economic impacts of ozone on forests. Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord 525, pp. 44-58.
1998. Innes, J.L. Forest management responses to assessments of forest health in polluted regions. In: Mohren, F. (ed.) Atmospheric Deposition and Forest Management. NATO-Advanced Research Workshop Series. In press (accepted and awaiting publication).
1997. Innes, J.L., Ghosh, S., Dobbertin, M., Rebetez, M. and Zimmermann, S. Waldschadensinventur. In: Säure und Stickstoffbelastungen – ein Risiko für den Schweizer Wald? Forum für Wissen, Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf, pp. 73-83.
1997. Matyssek, R., Havranek, W.M., Innes, J.L. and Wieser, G. Role of ozone in forest decline phenomena in the Austrian and Swiss Alps. In: Sandermann, H., Heath, R.L., Wellburn, A. (eds.) Forest decline and ozone: a comparison of controlled chamber and field experiments. Springer Verlag, 95-134.
1997. Innes, J.L., Skelly, J.M., Landolt, W., Hug, C., Snyder, K.R. and Savage, J.E. Development of visible injury on the leaves of Prunus serotina in Ticino, southern Switzerland, as a result of ozone exposure. Preliminary results. In: Soja, G. and Knoflacher, M. (eds.) Exceedances of critical loads and levels. Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf, 146-154.
1997. Innes, J.L. Declines forest declines in Europe. In Hansen, E.M. and Lewis, K. (eds.) Compendium of conifer diseases. American Phytopathological Society, 67-69.
1997. Dobbertin, M., Ghosh, S. and Innes, J.L. Switzerland. In: Forest health in Europe: a ten-year overview. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and European Commission, Geneva and Brussels. pp. 120-124.
1997. Innes, J.L. Historical debris-flow activity and climate in Scotland. In Matthews, J.A., Brunsden, D., Frenzel, B., Gläser, B. and Weiss, M.M. (eds.) Rapid mass movement and climatic variation during the Holocene. Paleoclimate Research. Palaeoclimate Research 19, 233-240.
1997. Beniston, M., Tol, R., Delécolle, R., Hoermann, G., Iglesias, A., Innes, J.L. McMichael, T., Martens, P., Nemesova, I., Nicholls, R. and Toth, F. Europe. In: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (ed.) Special Report on the Regional Impacts of Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp. 149-185.
1997. Innes, J.L. Forestry and environmental change. In: Kanowksi, P. (ed.) Making Forest Policy Work 1996. Oxford Forestry Institute, Occasional Publication, 147-151.
1997. Innes, J.L. Environmental change and sustainable forestry. Proceedings of the World Forestry Congress, Antalya. FAO, Rome, published on Internet and as Compact Disc.
1997. Ghosh, S., Beran, J. and Innes, J.L. 1997. Nonparametric conditional quantile estimation in the presence of long memory. Student 2 , 109-117.
1996. Innes, J.L., Ghosh, S. and Schwyzer, A. A method for the identification of trees with unusually colored foliage. Canadian Journal of Forest Research , 26 , 1548-1555.
1996. Innes, J.L. and Skelly, J.M. Air pollution effects on forests. In: Korpilahti, E., Mikkela, H. and Salonen, T. (eds.) Caring for the forest: Research in a changing world. Congress report, Vol. 2. XX IUFRO World Congress, 6-12 August 1995, Tampere, Finland, pp. 46-56.
1996. Beniston, M., Fox, D., Adhikary, S., Guisan, A., Holten, J., Innes, J.L., Maitima, J. and Tessier, L. (Lead authors) Impacts of climate change on mountain regions. In Watson, R.T., Zinyowera, M.C. and Moss, R.H. (eds.): Climate change 1995. Impacts, adaptations and mitigation of climate change: scientific-technical analyses. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge pp. 191-213.
1995. Innes, J.L. and Kräuchi, N. Monitoring der Biodiversität als Erfolgs-kontrolle. Erhaltung der Biodiversität: Eine Aufgabe für Wissenschaft, Praxis und Politik. Forum für Wissen 1995. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Birmensdorf. pp. 47-55.
1995. Ghosh, S., Innes, J.L. and Hoffmann, C. Observer variation as a source of error in assessments of crown condition through time. Forest Science 41 , 235-254.
1995. Innes, J.L. Influence of air pollution on the foliar nutrition of conifers in Great Britain. Environmental Pollution 88 , 183-192.
1995. Ghosh, S. and Innes, J.L. Combining field and control team assessments to obtain error estimates for surveys of crown condition. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research , 10 , 264-270.
1995. Ghosh, S. and Innes, J.L. Comparing sampling strategies in forest monitoring programs. Forest Ecology and Management , 82 , 231-238.
1995. Kandler, O. and Innes, J.L. Air pollution and forest decline in Central Europe. Environmental Pollution , 90 , 171-180.
1995. Innes, J.L. Theoretical and practical criteria for the selection of ecosystem monitoring plots in Swiss forests. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment , 36 , 271-294.
1995. Innes, J.L. Forest condition monitoring in Switzerland. In: Köhl, M., Bachmann, P., Brassel, P., Preto, G. (eds.), The Monte Verità Conference on Forest Survey Design: assessment of non-timber resources and “simplicity versus efficiency”. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Birmensdorf, pp. 164-170.
1995. Innes, J.L. Assessment of non-timber functions: forest ecosystems. In: Köhl, M., Bachmann, P., Brassel, P., Preto, G. (eds.) The Monte Verità Conference on Forest Survey Design: assessment of non-timber resources and “simplicity versus efficiency”. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Birmensdorf, pp. 269-280 .
1995. Innes, J.L. Climate change, pollution and biodiversity: Land-use implications. In: Harou, P. and Dehasse, J. (compilers) IUFRO XX World Congress. Pre-proceedings Work Group S6-12 Integrated Land Use and Forest Policies: “Land use policies to enhance biodiversity” , pp. 26-35.
1994. Innes, J.L. The need for a unified forest growth monitoring system. In: Innes, J.L. (ed.) Assessment of increment in permanent monitoring plots established to determine the effects of air pollution on forests. Swiss Federal Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Birmensdorf, pp. 7-9.
1994. Innes, J.L. (ed.) Assessment of increment in permanent monitoring plots established to determine the effects of air pollution on forests. Swiss Federal Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Birmensdorf. 62 pp.
1994. Innes, J.L., Böhm, J., Bucher, J., Dobbertin, M., Jansen, E., Kull, P., Rigling, A., Walthert, L. and Zimmerman, S. Sanasilva Bericht 1993. Der Zustand der Schweizer Wald. Berichte 339 der Eidgenössischen Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, Birmensdorf. 60 pp.
1994. Köhl, M., Innes, J.L. and Kaufmann, E. Reliability of differing densities of sample grids used for the monitoring of forest condition in Europe. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 29 , 201-220.
1994. Jalkanen, R.E., Aalto, T.O., Innes, J.L., Kurkela, T.T. and Townsend, I.K. Needle retention and needle loss of Scots pine in recent decades at Thetford and Alice Holt, England. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 24 , 863-867.
1994. Innes, J.L. and Schwyzer, A. Stem damage in Swiss forests: incidence, causes and relations to crown transparency. European Journal of Forest Pathology 24 , 20-31.
1994. Skelly, J.M. and Innes, J.L. Waldsterben in the forests of Central Europe and eastern North America: Fantasy or reality? Plant Disease 78 , 1021-32.
1994. Innes, J.L. Design of an intensive monitoring system for Swiss forests. In: Beniston, M. (ed), Mountain environments in changing climates. Routledge, London, pp. 281-298.
1993. Innes, J.L. Forest health: its assessment and status. C.A.B. International, Wallingford. 677 pp.
1993. Innes, J.L., Landmann, G. and Mettendorf, B. Consistency of observations of forest tree defoliation in three European countries. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 25 , 29-40.
1993. Innes, J.L. Some factors affecting the crown density of trees in Great Britain based on recent annual surveys of forest condition. In Hüttl, R.F. and Mueller-Dombois, D. (eds.) Forest Decline in the Atlantic and Pacific Region. Springer Verlag. pp. 40-53.
1993. Innes, J.L. Air pollution and forests: an overview. IUFRO Task Force “Forest, climate change and air pollution” interim report , edited R. Schlaepfer. IUFRO World Series No. 4. pp 77-100.
1993. Innes, J.L. Direct and indirect effects and the long-term risks of air pollution on forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean region. IUFRO Task Force “Forest, climate change and air pollution” interim report , edited R. Schlaepfer. IUFRO World Series No. 4. p. 34.
1993. Innes, J.L. Direct and indirect effects and the long-term risks of air pollution on forest ecosystems in Latin America. IUFRO Task Force “Forest, climate change and air pollution” interim report , edited R. Schlaepfer. IUFRO World Series No. 4. p. 42.
1993. Innes, J.L. Direct and indirect effects and the long-term risks of air pollution on forest ecosystems: direct and indirect effects on soil micro-organisms. IUFRO Task Force “Forest, climate change and air pollution” interim report , edited R. Schlaepfer. In: IUFRO World Series No. 4. p. 25.
1993. Innes, J.L. Direct and indirect effects and the long-term risks of air pollution on forest ecosystems: the role of forest health monitoring. IUFRO Task Force “Forest, climate change and air pollution ” interim report, edited R. Schlaepfer. IUFRO World Series No. 4. p. 50.
1993. Innes, J.L., Kräuchi, N., Bucher, H.P. and Schlaepfer, R. General summary and synthesis. IUFRO Task Force “Forest, climate change and air pollution” interim report , edited R. Schlaepfer. IUFRO World Series No. 4. p. 101-107.
1993. Innes, J.L. and Whittaker, R.J. Relationships between the crown condition of Sitka and Norway spruce and the environment in Great Britain: an exploratory analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology 30 , 341-360.
1993. Innes, J.L. Methods to estimate forest health. Silva Fennica 27 , 145-157.
1993. Innes, J.L. The occurrence of flowering and fruiting on individual trees over 3 years and their effects on subsequent crown condition. Trees: Structure and Function 8 , 139-150.
1993. Innes, J.L. Climatic sensitivity of temperate forests. Environmental Pollution 83 , 237-243.
1993. Innes, J.L. “New perspectives in forestry”: a basis for a future forest management policy in Great Britain? Forestry 66 , 395-421.
1992. Innes, J.L. Structure of evergreen temperate rainforest in the Taitao Peninsula, southern Chile. Journal of Biogeography 19 , 555-562.
1992. Oester, B. and Innes, J.L. Programma di monitoraggio dei boschi 1992-1995. In Rapporto Sanasilva 1992 sui boschi in deperimento. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Birmensdorf. pp. 23-24.
1992. Innes, J.L. (editor). Cause-effect relationships in forest decline. United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva. 240 pp.
1992. Innes, J.L. Stress combinations in forests. In Acidification research: evaluation and policy application , ed. T. Schneider. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 87-96.
1992. Innes, J.L. Consequences of the impact of air pollution – Increment changes. In: Innes, J.L. (ed), Cause-effect relationships in forest decline. UNEP, Geneva, pp. 52-61.
1992. Innes, J.L. Interrelations of forest health and climatic change. In: Innes, J.L. (ed.), Cause-effect relationships in forest decline. UNEP, Geneva, pp. 88-90.
1992. Innes, J.L. and Materna, J. Development of forest health since the beginning of systematic surveys. In: Innes, J.L. (ed.), Cause-effect relationships in forest decline. UNEP, Geneva, pp. 24-29.
1992. Innes, J.L. Forest decline. Progress in Physical Geography 16 , 1-64.
1992. Innes, J.L. Forest condition and air pollution in the United Kingdom. Forest Ecology and Management 51 , 17-27.
1992. Innes, J.L. Observations on the condition of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Britain in 1990. Forestry 65 , 35-60 .
1991. Innes, J.L. and Neumann, H. Past growth variations in Picea sitchensis with differing crown densities. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 6 , 395-405.
1991. Innes, J.L. High-altitude and high-latitude tree growth in relation to past, present and future global climate change. The Holocene 1 , 168-173.
1991. Innes, J.L. Forest condition and air pollution in Great Britain. Chemistry and Industry 3 , 79-82.
1991. Innes, J.L. How the forest health survey is streamlined. Forestry and British Timber , June 1991, 25-27.
1991. Innes, J.L. Acid rain – tree health surveys. In Advances in Practical Arboriculture , ed. S.J. Hodge. Forestry Commission Bulletin 97 , 120-128.
1991. Innes, J.L. and Boswell, R.C. Monitoring of forest condition in the United Kingdom 1990. Forestry Commission Bulletin 98 . ISBN 0 11 710298 9.
1991. Innes, J.L. and Boswell, R.C. Monitoring of forest condition in Great Britain 1991. Forestry Commission Research Information Note 209 .
1991. Innes, J.L. The assessment of patterns of tree condition in Great Britain, with particular references to North Wales. In Gritten, H. (ed.), Acid deposition in Gwynedd , 143-146. Snowdonia National Park Authority, Plas Tan-y-Bwlch.
1991. Innes, J.L. The application of cause-effect criteria to the relationship between air pollution and forest decline in Europe. In Longhurst, J. (ed.) Acidic deposition: Origins, impacts and abatement strategies. Springer-Verlag, pp. 63-74 .
1990. Innes, J.L. and Boswell, R.C. Monitoring of forest condition in Great Britain 1989. Forestry Commisson Bulletin 94 , HMSO, London. ISBN 0 11 710293 8.
1990. Innes, J.L. Assessment of tree condition. Forestry Commission Fieldbook 12 , HMSO, London. ISBN 0 11 710283 0.
1990. Innes, J.L. Environmental Threats to Forests. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.
1990. Innes, J.L. and Boswell, R.C. Forest condition in 1990: Preliminary results of the monitoring programme. Forestry Commission Research Information Note 193 .
1990. Innes, J.L. Pollution and forest decline. Country Landowner 43 , 15-17.
1990. Innes, J.L. and Boswell, R.C. Reliability, presentation and relationships amongst data from inventories of forest condition. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 20 , 790-799.
1990. Innes, J.L. Measuring the effects of atmospheric pollution on trees in Europe. Geography 76 , 70-71.
1990. Innes, J.L. General aspects in the use of tree rings in environmental impact studies. In Cook, E.R. and Kairiukstis, L.A. (eds.), Methods of Dendrochronology: Applications in the environmental sciences. Dordrecht, Kluwer, 224-229.
1990. Innes, J.L. and Freer-Smith, P.H. Forest health and acidification. In Acidification in Scotland. Symposium Proceedings, 8 November 1988. Edinburgh, Scottish Development Department, 42-50.
1990. Innes, J.L. Some problems with the interpretation of international assessments of forest damage. In Proceedings of the XIX World Congress of IUFRO, Montreal, 5-11 August 1990 , 380-387.
1990. Innes, J.L. The role of quality assurance in the assessment of forest condition in Europe. In Proceedings of the 3rd Quality Assurance Workshop, Burlington, Ontario , 99-112.
1989. Innes, J.L. and Cook, E.R. Tree-ring analysis as an aid to evaluating the effects of pollution on tree growth. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 19 , 1174-89.
1989. Innes, J.L. Rapid yellowing of needles of Picea abies. European Journal of Forest Pathology 19 , 21-28.
1989. Innes, J.L. and Boswell, R.C. Monitoring of forest condition in the United Kingdom 1 988. Forestry Commission Bulletin 88 , HMSO, London. ISBN 0 11 710277 6.
1989. Innes, J.L., Moffat, A.J. and Lonsdale, D. Weather conditions during the summer of 1989 and their effect on trees. Forestry Commission Research Information Note 162 .
1989. Innes, J.L. and Boswell, R.C. Forest Condition in 1989 – preliminary results of the monitoring programme. Forestry Commission Research Information Note 163 .
1989. Cook, E.R. and Innes, J.L. Tree-ring analysis as an aid to the evaluation of the effects of air pollution on tree growth. In Committee on Biologic Markers of Air Pollution Damage in Trees (eds.) Biologic markers of air pollution stress and damage in forests. National Academy of Science, Washington, 157-168.
1989. Innes, J.L. Acid rain and trees. In Longhurst, J.W.S. (ed.). Acid deposition. Sources, effects and controls. Technical Communications and British Library Science Reference and Information Service, London, 229-42.
1989. Innes, J.L. Plants and air pollution. In Clouston, B. (ed.), Landscape design with plants, London, Heinemann, 199-211.
1989. Freer-Smith, P.H., Taylor, G., Innes, J.L., Hutchinson, P., Lee, K.J. Relationship between crown density and physiological characteristics of Picea abies at six sites in Britain. In Bresser, A.H.M., Mathy, P. (eds.) Monitoring air pollution and forest ecosystem research. Air Pollution Research Report 21 . Guyot, Brussels, pp. 173-178.
1989. Innes, J.L. Monitoring of forest condition in Britain. In Proceedings of the workshop on forest monitoring , Usti Nad Labem 1989, 1-6.
1989. Innes, J.L. and Boswell, R.C. Sulphur contents of conifer needles in Great Britain. GeoJournal 19 , 63-66.
1989. Innes, J.L. Rapid mass movements in upland Britain: a review with particular reference to debris flows. Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica 23 , 53-67.
1988. Innes, J.L. Acid rain, air pollution and trees. Contribution to Acid Rain Role Play Teaching Pack. Published by Acid Rain Information Centre, Manchester.
1988. Innes, J.L. Forest health surveys: problems in assessing observer objectivity. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 18 , 560-565.
1988. Innes, J.L. Forest health surveys: a critique. Environmental Pollution 54 , 1-15.
1988. Innes, J.L. Forest decline in urban areas – a comment. Science of the Total Environment 72 , 227-30.
1988. Innes, J.L., Boswell, R.C. and Neumann, H. Waldschäden in Grossbritannien. Ergebnisse der Waldschadenserhebungen 1987. Der Forst and Holzwirt 43 , 64-66.
1988. Innes, J.L., Boswell, R.C. and Neumann, H. Waldschäden und Luft-verschmutzung in Grossbrittannien. Der Forst und Holz 44 , 10-11.
1988. Innes, J.L. and Boswell, R.C. Forest health surveys l987. Part 2: Analysis and Interpretation. Forestry Commission Bulletin 79 , HMSO, London. ISBN 0 11 710264 4.
1988. Innes, J.L. and Boswell, R.C. Forest health surveys 1988. Preliminary results. Forestry Commission Research Information Note 139 .
1988. Innes, J.L. Forest health surveys 1987. Forestry and British Timber 17 (1), 40.
1988. Innes, J.L. Unravelling the acid rain story. Forest Life 4 , 11-12.
1988. Innes, J.L. Use of lichens in dating. In Galun, M., (ed.) Handbook of Lichenology , CRC Press, Baton Rouge, 75-92.
1987. Innes, J.L. Dendroglaciological investigations in Norway. In Ward, R.G. (ed.) Applications of tree-ring studies: current research in dendrochronology and related areas. B.A.R., International Series, Oxford, 107-120.
1987. Innes, J.L. Acid rain, air pollution and forests. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.
1987. Innes, J.L. Air pollution and forestry. Forestry Commission Bulletin 70 , HMSO, London. ISBN 0 11 710209 1.
1987. Innes, J.L. Acid rain, air pollution and trees. Forestry Commission Research Information Note 111/87/SSS.
1987. Innes, J.L . Surveys of tree health 1987. Forestry Commission Research Information Note 117/87/SSS.
1987. Innes J.L. and Boswell, R.C. Forest health surveys 1987. Part I: Results. Forestry Commission Bulletin 74 , HMSO, London. ISBN 0 11 710259 8.
1987. Innes, J.L. Surveys of tree health 1987. Forestry Commission Research Information Note 117/87/SSS.
1987. Innes, J.L. Acid rain, air pollution and trees. Quarterly Journal of Forestry 81 , 191-193.
1987. Innes, J.L. The interpretation of international forest health data. In Perry, R., Harrison, R.M., Bell, J.N.B. and Lester, J.N. (Eds.), Acid rain: scientific and technical advances , Selper Ltd., London, 633-640.
1987. Innes, J.L. What causes forest damage? Forestry Commission looks at air pollution. Forestry and British Timber 16 (2), 17-18.
1987. Innes, J.L. Acid rain. Its causes – its effects. European Environmental Review 1 , 38-45.
1986. Innes, J.L. The size-frequency distributions of the lichens Sporastatia testudinea and Rhizocarpon alpicola through time at Storbreen, Southwest Norway. Journal of Biogeography 13 , 283-291.
1986. Innes, J.L., Boswell, R.C., Binns, W.O. and Redfern, D.B. Forest health and air pollution – 1986 survey. Forestry Commission Research and Development Paper 150, Forestry Commission, Edinburgh. ISBN 0 85538 214 7.
1986. Innes, J.L. Textural properties of regoliths on vegetated steep slopes in upland regions, Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Sciences 77 , 241-50.
1986. Matthews, J.A., Innes, J.L. and Caseldine, C.J. C.14 dating and palaeoenvironment of the historic ‘Little Ice Age’ glacier advance of Nigardsbreen, southern Norway. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 11 , 369-375.
1986. Innes, J.L. The use of percentage-cover measurements in lichenometric dating. Arctic and Alpine Research 18 , 209-216.
1986. Innes, J.L. Influence of sampling design on lichen size frequency distributions and its effect on derived lichenometric indices. Arctic and Alpine Research 18 , 201-208.
1986. Innes, J.L. Dating exposed surfaces in the Arctic by lichenometry: the problem of thallus circularity and its effect on measurement errors. Arctic 39 , 253-259.
1985. Innes, J.L. An examination of some factors affecting the largest lichens on a substrate. Arctic and Alpine Research 17 , 99-106.
1985. Innes, J.L. Moisture availability and lichen growth: the effects of snowcover and streams in lichenometric measurements. Arctic and Alpine Research 17 , 417-424.
1985. Innes J.L. Magnitude-frequency characteristics of debris flows in northwest Europe. Geografiska Annaler 67A , 23-32.
1985. Innes, J.L. Lichenometric dating of debris-flow deposits on alpine colluvial fans in southwest Norway. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 10 , 519-524.
1985. Innes, J.L. Relative dating of Neoglacial moraine ridges at Blokkfjellbreen, north Norway. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie 20 , 53-63.
1985. Innes, J.L. A standard Rhizocarpon nomenclature for lichenometry. Boreas 14 , 83-85.
1985. Innes, J.L. Lichenometry. Progress in Physical Geography 9 , 187-254.
1985. Innes, J.L. Replication of lichenometric data: errors associated with variations in observer search efficiency. Area 17 , 221-232.
1984. Innes, J.L. The optimal sample size in lichenometric studies. Arctic and Alpine Research 16 , 233-244.
1984. Innes, J.L. Lichenometric dating of moraine ridges in northern Norway: some problems of application. Geografiska Annaler 66A , 341-352.
1983. Innes, J.L. Stratigraphic evidence of episodic talus accumulation on the Isle of Skye, Scotland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 8 , 399-403.
1983. Innes, J.L. Lichenometric dating of debris-flow deposits in the Scottish Highlands. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 8 , 579-588.
1983. Innes, J.L. Development of lichenometric dating curves for Highland Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh – Earth Sciences 74 , 23-32.
1983. Innes, J.L. Debris flows. Progress in Physical Geography 7 , 469-501.
1983. Innes, J.L. Landuse changes in the Scottish Highlands during the 19th century: the role of pasture degeneration. Scottish Geographical Magazine 99 , 141-149.
1983. Innes, J.L. Size-frequency distributions as a lichenometric technique – an assessment. Arctic and Alpine Research 15 , 285-94.
1983. Innes, J.L. Use of an aggregated Rhizocarpon ‘species’ in lichenometry – an evaluation. Boreas 12 , 183-90.
1982. Innes, J.L. Lichenometric use of an aggregated Rhizocarpon ‘species’. Boreas 11 , 53-57.
1981. Innes, J.L. A Manual for Lichenometry – Comment. Area 13 , 237-241.
1978. Innes, J.L. Annual survival of Wrens and Dunnocks. Wicken Fen Group Report 10 , 16-19.
1977. Innes, J.L. Adult survival rates for Blue and Long-tailed Tits. Wicken Fen Group Report 9 , 14-16.