
Climate Change
Community-based Management
Ecosystem Processes


Project Title




The potential benefits brought by REDD+ for communities in Nepal Tomoko Yoshida
Policies for Alternative Reforestation Under Climate Change in British Columbia David Perez
Evaluating forest carbon measurement techniques in British Columbia Pano Skrivanos
SFM in beetle affected forests of the southwest Yukon: confronting rapid ecological and socio-economic change
Modelling transpiration deficits after disturbances and evaluating the sensitivity of disturbances and evaluating the sensitivity of southwest Yukon forest ecosystems to climate change
Incorporating adaptive forest management into British Columbia forest policy
SFM in beetle affected forests of the southwest Yukon: confronting rapid ecological and  socio-economic change
Modelling transpiration deficits after disturbances and evaluating the sensitivity of southwest Yukon forest ecosystems to climate change
Ecosystem responses to climate change and disturbances in Southwest Yukon (Canada) Shyam Paudel
Contested lands and climate change:
The case of Mapuche communities and transnational forest companies in Chile
Jose Arias-Bustamante
Relationship between forest fire occurrence and climate change; statistical models for forest fire occurrence; research on forest fire on carbon balance in atmosphere Futao Gao




Contested lands and climate change:
The case of Mapuche communities and transnational forest companies in Chile
Jose Arias-Bustamante
Comparative study of communication in forest management in India and Canada
People and forest relationship: a cultural inquiry into SFM and land-use behaviour of aboriginal communities in India and Canada
Common knowledge, values and perceptions of SFM held by First Nations communities
Community-based management of forests in Canada, Brazil and Mexico: a comparative analysis to improve criteria and indicators of forest management Reem Hajjar
Sustainability ‘reality check’: measuring the socio-cultural impacts of forestry in the Bulkley Valley
Human dimensions of natural resources:  outdoor recreation management and planning, and public participation in natural resources decision-making Howie Harshaw


Contested lands and climate change:
The case of Mapuche communities and transnational forest companies in Chile
Jose Arias-Bustamante
Perceptions of Canadian forest industry and retailers on forest certification
Development of indicators for forest aesthetics in sustainable forest management standards
Forest management planning under changing value systems
Development of a decision-support tool for SFM in the Champagne and Aishihik Traditional Territory, Yukon
Assessing the effectiveness of forest certification in Canada
Improvement of social, economic and other indicators of SFM and tools for their integration
Identification and refinement of management indicators for Yukon and application to State of Yukon Forests Report
Policies for Alternative Reforestation Under Climate Change in British Columbia David Perez
Potential distribution and impacts of invasive alien species and associated management countermeasures in southern China



Nutrient cycling under different disturbances in southwest Yukon
Role of disturbance in increasing the sensitivity of northern forest ecosystems to climate change
Multi-scale observation and evaluation on the net productivity of subtropical forests in China
Cumulative effects of resource development on biodiversity and ecological integrity in the Peace-Moberly region, British Columbia
Evaluating the cumulative impacts of air pollution in northeast British Columbia Judi Krzyzanowski
Ecosystem responses to climate change and disturbances in Southwest Yukon (Canada) Shyam Paudel
Potential distribution and impacts of invasive alien species and its associated management countermeasures Shijun You