
Graduate students come from various academic backgrounds, and the presence of individuals from several different countries, including India, Peru, Chile, Mexico, China, South Africa, Pakistan, Ghana, the UK, and Canada, ensures that many different perspectives can be included when looking at particular questions.


Professor John Innes
UBC Faculty of Forestry
Phone: +1 604 822 6761

The graduate students that make up the Sustainable Forest Management Laboratory, which I lead, are interested in all aspects of sustainable forest management, particularly applying the principles of sustainable forest management to real-world situations. We have been looking at how internationally agreed criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management can be improved and what this means for forestry practices. Our research group has developed some novel web-based approaches to enable these indicators to be continuously improved. Read more.

Current Students

Andrea M. Vasquez Fernandez
PhD Candidate
vandrea @ interchange.

Project: Do community associations contribute to sustainable rural community development in Peru?




Neftalí Hernández
PhD Candidate
neftali.hernandez @

Project: Climate-Smart Agriculture in Indigenous communities of Oaxaca, Mexico. Readiness and Resistance for REDD+ projects.




Lucy Binfield
PhD Candidate
lbinfield @

Project: Evaluating the impact of specific instances of bamboo industry development initiatives on communities in the Global South.



Profile photo of Tara L. BrownTara L. Brown
PhD Candidate
tarabr @

Project: Investigating the Effects of Environmental Factors on Individual Health Responses to Forest-based Interventions: Randomized Cross-over Trial








Vaishali Vasudeva

Doctoral Student