Dr. Patrick Waeber


Development of a conceptual model which integrates the two scales of forest management planning and intervention, the landscape and stand scale into one management approach for forest biodiversity management.


Disturbances, Sustainable Forest Management, Resource Management, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Ecosystems, Hierarchies


How can we achieve sustainable forest management in times of rapid climate changes? How is it possible to balance potentially conflicting values like conserving biodiversity at multiple scales and at the same time increase the economic benefit from timber production? Hence, my main interests for the PhD Project are related to the interactions of natural and anthropogenic disturbances in the context of climate change and forest management interventions.

Generally, I am interest in conservation and sustainable development – how can we bridge the two realms, or how can we best combine the two into one field of applied research and into ground actions, in order to alleviate poverty and to maintain viable ecosystems.

Academic and Professional Experience

Research Experience

2007-2008 Research Assistant in the Dothistroma/Forest/Climate Change Project, Bulkley Valley Centre for Natural Resources, Research and Management, Smithers, BC, Canada.
2005 Field Assistant for the Bandro Census at Lake Alaotra, Madagascar, for Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust Madagascar.
2002-2003 Intern at KORA (Coordinated research projects for the conservation and management of carnivores in Switzerland).
2002 Field school, South Africa (Gladisvale):’The Cradle of Humankind’.

Professional Experience

2004 Event/Marketing Assistant Zoo Zurich.
2003-2004 Laboratory Assistant in the Biological Anthropology Genetics Laboratory, University of Zürich.
2002 Part-time Technician at the Institute for Environment and Ecology, ETH Zurich, Zurich.

Professional Affiliations


2009-current GERP (Groupe d’Etude et de Recherche sur les Primates de Madagascar): Scientific Member.
2009-current Commonwealth Forestry Association: Member.
2008-current Madagascar Wildlife Conservation: Responsible Project Journal MCD.
2006-current Academic Journal ‘Madagascar Conservation & Development’, Founder and Editor.
2006-current Society for Conservation Biology: Member.
2005-current Jane Goodall Institute Switzerland (http://www.janegoodall.ch/): Coordinator for Conservation and Environmental Education.
2005-2008 PROMAD: Member of the steering committee
2003-2008 Madagascar Wildlife Conservation (http://www.mwc-info.net/): Founder of the Malagasy Association and Co-supervisor of MWC’s projects in the Alaotra-Mangoro Region (ecotourism and enviornmental education projects).

Teaching Experience

2002-2006 Part-time work in environmental educational programs for school and university classes, mainly performing guided tours through the Zoo and the Masoala Rainforest Exhibition, at the Zoo Zurich.
2001-2002 Teaching Assistant for Invertebrate Course for undergraduates at the University of Zurich.


Conference Presentations

Meshach, S., Buerki, C., Waeber, P. O. 2008. Studying the Impact of the Roots&Shoots Program on Children in the Lugufu Congolese Refugee Camp, Tanzania. The International Primatological Society XXII Congress. (Poster Presentation). Edinburgh, Scottland.

Maminirina, C., Girod, P., Waeber, P. O., Rendigs, A., Ralainasolo, F. B. and Ratsimbazafy, J. 2008. Conservation-Education Project for the Children of the Alaotra-Mangoro Region, Madagascar. The International Primatological Society Pre-Congress Workshop; Conservation Education Forum: Ideas, Achievements & Future Goals. Edinburgh, Scotland.

Ralainasolo, F., Olivieri, G., Waeber, P. O., Mutschler, T., Ratsimbazafy, J., Lewis, R., and Durbin, J. 2007. Hapalemur alaotrensis: The Biology of a Wetland Primate. International Congress Prosimians. (Poster Presentation). Ithala, South Africa.

Waeber, P. O., Mutschler, T. and Hemelrijk, C. K. 2001. Hapalemur griseus alaotrensis – female dominance and leadership. (Poster Presentation). 7th Congress of the Gesellschaft für Primatologie, Zurich, Switzerland.

Waeber, P. O. and Hemelrijk, C. K. 2002. Spatial centrality, grooming and female dominance in Alaotran Gentle Lemurs (Hapalemur griseus alaotrensis). (Poster Presentation). International Workshop on Self-organisation and Evolution of Social Behaviour, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.

Awards, Grants and Scholarships


2008-2009 (PhD)
UGF Award
Theodore E. Arnold Fellowship

UGF Award

2007 (ForestLeadership Conference)
ForestLeadership Scholarship

2006-2010 (PhD)
Tuition Fee Award

2001-2002 (Master Thesis)
G. & A. Claraz Donation
A.H. Schultz Foundation
Jutzler Jubiläumsstiftung
SANW Schweizerische Akademie für Naturwissenschaften

Academic Qualifications


M.Sc. in Zoology, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland


Refereed contributions
Waeber, P. O. and Orengo, Y. 2008. Radio broadcasting for sustainable development in southern Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development, 3:1, 64-72.

Meshach, S., Buerki, C., and Waeber, P. O. Inquiry on the impact of the Roots & Shoots program in the Lugufu Congolese Refugee Camp in Tanzania. [submitted].

Maminirina, C. P., Girod, P. and Waeber P. O. 2006. Comic Strips as Environmental Educative Tools. Madagascar Conservation & Development, 1:1, 11-14.

Ralainasolo, F., Waeber P. O., Ratsimbazafy, J., Durbin, J., Lewis, R. 2006. Short Communication on the Alaotran gentle lemur: population estimation and subsequent implications. Madagascar Conservation & Development, 1:1, 9-10.

Waeber, P. O. 2006. Roots & Shoots — a model for active environmental protection. Madagascar Conservation & Development, 1:1, 48-49.

Waeber, P. O. and Hemelrijk, C. K. 2003. Female Dominance and Social Structure in Alaotran Gentle Lemurs, Behaviour, 140:1235-1246.

Waeber, P. O. and Mutschler, T. 2001. Alaotran Gentle Lemurs (Hapalemur griseus alaotrensis): Female Dominance over Males? A Social Behaviour Curiosity in a Preliminary Field Study, Abstract, Folia Primatologica, 72:190.

Non-refereed contributions
Waeber P. O. and Nitschke, C. R. 2008. Understanding the influence of climate on the life history of Dothistroma needle blight: climate change and potential outbreak risk. Bulkley Valley Centre for Natural Resources. Research and Management Extension Note #7.

Waeber, P. O. 2003. Evaluation der Schafsömmerung im Hinblick auf die Rückkehr des Wolfes, KORA Report, Nr. 17, in German and French [The impact of wolf reintroduction on sheep grazing management]. pp 49. Available at KORA.

Waeber, P. O. 2002. Female dominance over males, associations between hierarchical rank, spatial structure and social behaviour in free living Alaotran Gentle Lemurs (Hapalemur griseus alaotrensis), Master Thesis. University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.