Climate Change, Forest Management and REDD+
I am interested in development research on climate change impacts on forest ecosystem, climate responsive adaptive forest management, ecosystem based adaptation, REDD+, application of bamboo for land restoration and sustainable value chain development.
Academic qualifications
Ph.D. Forest Ecology and Management (2013), Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia, Canada
M.Sc. Natural Resources Planning and Management (2000, with distinction) – Twente University, The Netherlands
B.Sc. Forestry (with distinction): Tribhuwan University, Nepal.
Research experience
1. Ecosystem responses to climate variability, disturbances and environmental factors in southwest Yukon of Canada (2009-2012)
2. Implementing community forestry in the Terai region of Nepal: How, where and with whom? (1998-2000)
Professional experience
Nov 2020 – Present: Technical Advisor/Deputy Director – Forest Sector Transformation Unit, UNDP Ethiopia. I provide technical and policy support to the Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission (EFCCC, Government of Ethiopia) to transform forestry sector under REDD+ Investment Programme.
Aug 2019 – Mar 2020: International Consultant, Forest and Climate Change. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Afghanistan. I prepared a National REDD+ roadmap for Afghanistan and developed a project concept note on Resilient Kabul Watershed to be submitted to GCF.
May 2017 – Jul 2019: Chief Technical Advisor, Climate Change Adaptation and Community Resilience, UNDP Timor Leste. I managed a project on Sustainable Watershed Management and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA). I Provided technical and policy supports to Govt of Timor Leste on DRM, CCA and community resilience.
Jun 2014 – Nov 2016: Senior Technical Advisor – UNREDD Programme, UNDP Vietnam. I provided technical and policy supports to Govt of Vietnam for REDD+ readiness and led planning and implementation of provincial and site level REDD+ action plans.
Jun 2013 – May 2014: Programme Officer: People, Forests and Climate Change, RECOFTC, Bangkok. I led the People, Forest and Climate Change (PFCC) thematic area of RECOFTC. I coordinated research, capacity building and demonstration activities on climate change mitigation and adaptation in Souteast Asia.
Nov 2002 – Aug 2011: Senior Programme Officer, International Organization for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), Beijing China. I developed and managed bamboo and rattan development projects in more than 10 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. I also established a Global Programme on bamboo construction – for environmental friendly and affordable housing.
Awards, grants and scholarships
• National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Scholarship for PhD study, Government of Canada (2008)
• Pacific Century Graduate Scholarship (2008), the Government of British Columbia Province, Canada
• University Graduate Fellowship, UGF (2008), University of British Columbia, Canada
• Mahendra Vidhya Bhusan (2001): Academic achievement award from His Majesty, Late King of Nepal Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev.
• The Netherlands Fellowship for Master’s Degree study in the Netherlands (1998)
Professional affiliations
Registered Professional Biologist: College of Applied Biology, BC
Samsudin Y.B., H. Baral, B. Okarda, S.K. Paudel, V. T. Phuong, R. J. Keenan (2020). Ecosystem Services from Planted Forest in Central Vietnam. Forests, 11(8).
Dangal, S., Das A.K., and Paudel, S.K. (2017). Effectiveness of management interventions on forest carbon stock in planted forests in Nepal. Journal of Environmental Management, 1:196 (511-517)
Paudel, S.K., Richard, M., and Vickers, B. (2016). Operationalizing REDD+ in Vietnam through Provincial REDD+ Action Plans (PRAP): Policy Brief. UN-REDD Programme Vietnam.
Paudel, S.K. and Thoa, P. (2016). Site-based REDD+ Implementation Plan in Vietnam: Policy Brief. UN-REDD Programme, Vietnam.
Dahal G., Paudel S.K., Vickers B., Bradley, A. Doem, D. (2016). Improving Policies, Process and Practices of Forest and Forestland allocation in Vietnam: Policy Brief. UN-REDD Programme, Vietnam.
Paudel, S.K. and Giang P.T. (2016): Community based forest management in Vietnam: Policy Brief. UN-REDD Programme, Vietnam.
Hiratsuka, M., Paudel, S.K, Iwanaga, J. and Yaginuma, H. and Masahiro, A. (2016) Developing New Mechanism for REDD+. Experiences from a pilot project in Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 15(1): 59-66
Paudel, S. K., Simard, S., Nitschke, C., Waeber, P. and Innes, J.L. (2016). Plant diversity in the cold and dry boreal forest of southwest Yukon, Canada: the role of disturbance, stand structure, topography and climate. Plant Ecology.
Paudel, S. K., Simard, S., Nitschke, C., and Innes, J.L. (2015). Climate variation and disturbance regime affect stand composition and structure of the boreal forests in Southwest Yukon of Canada. Open Journal of Forestry 5, 337-352.
Paudel, S. K, Nitschke, C. and Innes, J.L. (2015). Assessing natural regeneration of white spruce, trembling aspen and balsam poplar in response to bio-geoclimatic and disturbance factors in Southwest Yukon of Canada. Journal of Forestry, DOI:
Kibwage, J.K., Firth, O.B., Paudel, S.K. (2011). Bamboo as a sustainable building material for meeting housing needs in East Africa: a value chain case study in Ethiopia. Journal of Bamboo and Rattan, Vol.10, Nos. 1&2, pp. 19-36
Hajjar, R., Gough, A., Mathey, A. H., Nitschke, C., Paudel, S.K., Skrivanos, P., Waeber, P.O. and Innes, J.L. (2009). Criteria and indicators for sustainable