Twitter: @jariasfor
CONTESTED LANDS AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE: a case study of adaptation to change in the context of Mapuche People.
Indigenous forest-dependent communities; Indigenous knowledge; Climate change; Forest conservation; Adaptation management; Land access; ILO 169
My research interests revolve around Indigenous forest-dependent communities victims of land seizures and environmental decline by transnational companies and the Nation States. I have a particular interest in the Mapuche Nation, the largest indigenous people of Chile. The Mapuche culture, knowledge and worldview have been jeopardized by the named stakeholders, and therefore concerted action and new knowledge are needed in order to find peaceful solutions regarding land access. In the Mapuche ancestral lands, violent conflicts have been escalating in the last years, and as a result of this, several Mapuche and non-Mapuche lives have been taken.
On top of all that I have mentioned, these Mapuche communities, as other Indigenous communities around the globe, are experiencing the impacts of climate change. For instance, drought and forest fires, which in combination with the impacts of logging operations and introduced forest plantations, make a very complex scenario for the communities in general.
I am also interested in Indigenous knowledge, and the possibilities it could provide not only in solving land conflicts, but also in dealing with the impacts of climate change; I believe that this ancient knowledge could play an important role in developing new strategies to both provide solutions to the land conflict, and develop adaptation and mitigation measures to climate change impacts. This is why I am planning to follow an integrative approach to support collective decision-making processes within the Mapuche ancestral lands, and thus find peaceful solutions to the conflict over land access.
Academic Qualifications
2022 (expected) Ph.D. in Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia
2013 M.Sc. in Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia
2009 Diploma in Socio-Environmental Management, Complexity and Sustainability, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Chile
2009 Forest Engineer, Faculty of Forestry, University of Chile
2007 B.Sc. in Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, University of Chile
Research Experience
August 2018 – Present, Research Assistant. GF Strong Rehabilitation Research Lab, Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.
February 2019 – July 2019, Graduate Academic Assistant. Physics and Astronomy Education Research, (PHASER) group. University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.
September 2018 – April 2019, Graduate Academic Assistant. First Nations & Indigenous Studies, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.
November 2009 – July 2010, Research Assistant at the Forest Institute of Chile (INFOR) Diaguita Office. La Serena, Chile.
July 2008 – August 2008, Research assistant. University of Chile, Forest Resources Management Department. Santiago, Chile.
March 2007 – August 2007, Research Assistant, University of Chile & INDAP. Native Forest characterization of two Indigenous communities from Lonquimay and Melipeuco, Chile.
Professional Experience
September 2016 – August 2018, Qualitative Data Analysis Graduate Assistant. Walter C. Koerner Library, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.
September 2014 – March 2016, Graduate Academic Assistant for NVivo support. Walter C. Koerner Library, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.
January 2009 – February 2009, Ranger. Quebrada de Macul Park, Municipality of Peñalolén. Santiago, Chile.
January 2008 – February 2008, Internship. NGO Foresters for the Development of the Native Forests of Southern Chile (AIFBN). Valdivia, Chile.
Awards, Grants and Scholarships
2017-2018 UBC Public Scholars Award (UBC Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies)
2017 Society of Ethnobiology’s Student Conference Travel Award
2015-2016 Rufford Small Grants for Nature Conservation (The Rufford Foundation)
2014-2017 Chilean Government Doctoral Scholarship (Becas Chile–CONICYT)
2013-2014 Faculty of Forestry Graduate Award (UBC Faculty of Forestry)
2012-2013 Kloshe Tillicum Aboriginal Health Research Master’s Award
2012 Asa Johal Graduate Fellowship in Forestry (UBC Faculty of Forestry)
2012 Mary and David Macaree Fellowship (UBC Faculty of Forestry)
2012 Terrestrial Research on Ecosystem & World-wide Education and Broadcast (TerreWeb) Travel Fund
2010-2012 Chilean Government Master Scholarship (Becas Chile – CONICYT)
Professional Affiliations
2017 – Present UBC Public Scholars Initiative (PSI) Network
2017 – Present Society of Ethnobiology
2014 – Present Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Network (iGSN)
2014 – Present Liu Institute for Global Issues
2013 – Present Network of Chile-Canada Research (REDICEC)
Peer reviewed
Arias-Bustamante, J. and Innes, J. 2021. Mapuche spirituality and its contribution to climate change mitigation. In: Leal Filho W., Luetz J., Ayal D. (eds) Handbook of Climate Change Management. Springer, Cham. DOI:
Arias-Bustamante, J. and Innes, J. 2021. Adapting forest management to climate change: experiences of the Nisga’a people. International Forestry Review. DOI:
Ives, J., Stang, J., Arias-Bustamante, J., Dubois, P. and Hofmann, A. 2020. Exploratory Factor Analysis of a survey on group-exam experiences and subsequent investigation of the role of group familiarity. 2020 PERC Proceedings edited by Wolf, Bennett, and Frank. American Association of Physics Teachers. DOI:
Non peer reviewed
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2019. The Criminalization of Mapuche Land Defenders in Chile. Impakter:
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2013. Indigenous knowledge, climate change and forest management: the Nisga’a Nation approach. MSc thesis in the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada. 203 p. DOI:
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2012. Working with Indigenous communities. Branchlines UBC Forestry, Vancouver. Canada. 23 (3): 15-16.
Perret, S., Arias Bustamante, J., Villalobos Volpi, E. (2010). Aprendamos a vivir con la naturaleza. La colmena productos y procesos de Ella. La Serena, Chile: INFOR : CORFO. DOI:
Arias, J. & Gálvez, J. 2010. Typification of certified wood producers, from the communes of Mariquina, Corral and Valdivia, Los Rios Region. Chile [In Spanish]. Native Forest; Num. 46. P. 3-11
Arias, J. 2009. Associative networks proposal for small forest landholders producing certified firewood, from the communes of Mariquina, Corral and Valdivia, Los Rios Region. Chile [In Spanish]. Undergraduate thesis in the Faculty of Forestry, University of Chile. Santiago, Chile. 61 p. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27593.77925
Bannister, J.; Carcamo, P.; Medel, I. and Arias, J.2009. Characterization of Water Sources of Three Rural Community Drafts, Province of Valdivia. Chile. Native Forest; Num.44. P. 9
Conference Presentations
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2019. Migraciones Mapuche entre territorios ancestrales: el rol del Estado Chileno y su (des)entendimiento de la tierra. The 7th Annual Colloquium of Chileans Researchers in Canada (Redicec): “Migraciones de conocimiento y como afectan nuestras practicas academicas, profesionales y sociales”. Sep 20, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2019. Mapuche territories in dispute: the role of the Chilean state and its (mis) understanding of the land. Transforming approaches to forest and forestry through traditional and local knowledges. Aug 21-23, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2019. Mapuche Spirituality and its contribution to climate change mitigation. The 2019 Society of Ethnobiology Conference: “The Voices of Ethnobiology”. May 8-10, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2018. Territorios Mapuche en disputa: el rol del Estado Chileno y su (des)entendimiento de la tierra. The 6th Annual Colloquium of Chileans Researchers in Canada (Redicec). November 24. Heart Institute, University of Ottawa. Ottawa, Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2017. La espiritualidad Mapuche y su contribución a la mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático – The Mapuche Spirituality and its contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation. The 5th Annual Colloquium of Chileans Researchers in Canada (Redicec). September 21 – 23. University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2017. A case study of adaptation to change in the context of Mapuche People. The 9th Annual Meeting of the Native American & Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA). June 22 – 24. University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2017. Learning from the experts: A case study of adaptation to change in the context of Mapuche People. State of Ethnobiology: Advocacy, Ethics, and Applications 40th Annual Conference of the Society of Ethnobiology. May 10-13. Montreal Botanical Garden. Montreal, Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2015. Using NVivo in Indigenous Knowledge Based Research: Climate Change and Forest Management. NVivo Symposium. April 23rd. Simon Fraser University. Vancouver, Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2014. Mapuche lands claims in Chile: options for controlling and maintaining access to the land. Latin American Conference on Political Ecology. October 21st-24th. Department of Geography, University of Chile. Santiago, Chile.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2014. Mapuche lands claims in Chile: options for controlling and maintaining access to the land. 2nd Annual Colloquium of Chileans Researchers in Canada. October 4th. The Liu Institute for Global Issues, UBC. Vancouver, Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2014. Indigenous knowledge, climate change and forest management: The Nisga’a Nation approach. Out-of-the-Box: Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Conference. March 21st. The Liu Institute for Global Issues, UBC. Vancouver, Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2013. Climate change and Indigenous knowledge. Kloshe Tillicum 2013’s National Gathering of Graduate Students. Monday June 24th, First Nation Longhouse, UBC. Vancouver, Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2012. Climate change and Indigenous knowledge. The 2nd edition of the Future Forestry Leaders Symposium (FFLS). The University of British Columbia, Faculty of Forestry, 7 December 2012. Vancouver, BC. Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2012. Climate change and Indigenous knowledge: identifying for Indigenous knowledge-based adaptation management guidelines. EcoHealth 2012 Conference “Sustaining Ecosystems, Supporting Health”. The 4th Biennial Conference of the International Association for Ecology & Health, 15-18 October 2012, Kunming City, China.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2018. Doing research and living at UBC: Vancouver Campus. Welcome to UBC Event for new Faculty and Staff. June 27. Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2018. Tierras en disputa y cambio climático: un estudio de caso de la adaptación al cambio en comunidades Mapuche. Presentación de Investigación y Panel de Discusión. May 4. Casa de la Cultura, Ilustre Municipalidad de Curacautin. Curacautin, Chile.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2018. La espiritualidad Mapuche y su contribución a la mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático – The Mapuche Spirituality and its contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Presentación de Investigación y Panel de Discusión. May 3. Instituto de Estudios Indigenas e Interculturales, Universidad de la Frontera. Temuco, Chile.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2018. Contested lands and climate change. Forestry PhDs Go Public – Research Talks. March 21. Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2018. Contested lands and climate change. PhDs Go Public – Politics, Power, and Positionality. March 16. Robson Square, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2013. Climate change and Indigenous knowledge. FIREtalks Series “Indigenizing the Academy“. Wednesday, October 23rd, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, UBC. Vancouver, Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2013. Climate change and Indigenous knowledge: “Results”. Wilp Wilxo’oskwhl Nisga’a Institute Board of Members Meeting. Friday June 21st, Gitwinksihlkw, B.C., Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2013. Climate change and Indigenous knowledge. TerreWeb Seminar series. Thursday Feb. 28th, Forest Sciences Centre, UBC. Vancouver, Canada.
Arias-Bustamante, J. 2012. Climate change and Indigenous knowledge: “Proposal”. Wilp Wilxo’oskwhl Nisga’a Institute Board of Members Meeting. Friday May 4th, Gitwinksihlkw, B.C., Canada.