guangyu.wang @ ubc.ca
- Adaptation of Asia-Pacific Forests to Climate Change.
- Development of the Chinese National Sustainable Forest Management Systems and the National Forest Certification Standard
- Development of China’s Forestry Sector and its Implication for Canada
- Integration of sustainable forest management and integrated watershed management in the Min River Watershed, China
- Sustainable Watershed Management in the Gan River, Jiangxi, China
Forest policy, International forestry and trade, Sustainable forest management, Ecosystem restoration, Regional planning, Geographic information system, Watershed modelling
I have continued to conduct research in the fields related to my work since I graduated from university. The sequences of my publications indicate my varied working experiences, academic background and research careers in the forestry sector. My current research is focused on watershed sustainable forest management by using GIS and computer modelling. I have completed Jiulong River Forest Restoration and Sustainable Development Program in southeast China. Currently, I am involved in the project of integration of sustainable forest management and integrated watershed management in the Min River watershed where I’m using system dynamic approaches, bioregional assessments, geography information systems (GIS), and satellite remote sensing (SRS) techniques analyzing the mechanisms of ecosystem degradation, and modelling the all over watershed land use management. The output will be a computerized optimized model that will consider a set of criteria and indicators– that define the parameters of water quality and quantity, soil erosion and productivity, biodiversity, and societal satisfaction–to estimate the result of various applications of land use patterns, silvicultural systems, and forest practice techniques in the watershed. Ultimately the study will provide workable models for watershed management.
As a business professional for many years in China and the US, I am also interested in strategic planning, financial management, marketing promotion, and project management. I have successfully completed several marketing, investment and development projects, and initiated several promotional events for multi-national forestry companies entering China’s market.
ACADEMIC & Professional Experience
Academic Qualifications
PHD, University of British Columbia
MBA, Marylhurst University, Oregon, USA
BS, Forestry, Fujian Agriculture & Forestry University, China
Professional Experience
- 2009-Present: Director of Asian Strategies, Faculty of Forestry, UBC, Canada
- 2008-2009: Research Fellow, Canadian International Council, Canada
- 2008-2009: Postdoc research fellow, Department of Forest Resources Management, UBC, Canada
- 2003–2008: Research Assistant, Department of Forest Resources Management, UBC, Canada
- 2001-2003: CEO, Fujian Forestry Investment & Development Co. Ltd, China
- 1999-2003: Director, International Cooperation Division, Fujian Department of Forestry, China
- 1998-1999: Intern, Oregon Department of Forestry & PNW US Forest Service, USA
- 1997-1998: Information Specialist, World Forest Institute, Oregon, USA
- 1993-1997: Director, Senior Engineer, Fuzhou National Park, Fujian, China
- 1991-1993: Deputy Director, World Bank Plantation Project, Fujian State-owned forests Bureau, China
- 1988-1991: Chief, Planning & Financial Office, Fujian State-owned Forests Bureau, China
- 1983-1988: Deputy Chief, Forest Management Office, Fujian Department of Forestry, China
Teaching Experience
- Supervising six undergraduate students’ graduation thesis, Faculty of Forestry, UBC.
- Supervising committee member for one master student, Faculty of Forestry, UBC
- Lecturing on China’s forest management, wood industry and forest product marketing and trade for the course FRST 439 International Forestry at UBC
- Supervise master students at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China
- Supervise master students at Jiangxi Agriculture University, China
Professional Affiliations
- 2010-present Nanjing Forestry University, Adjunct Professor
- 2007-present Jiangxi Agriculture University, adjunct Professor
- 1999 – 2004 Fujian Silviculture Association, Vice Chairman
- 1996 – 1998 Fujian Forestry Assets Evaluation Association, Senior Evaluator
- 1999 – 2003 Forestry Society of Fujian Province, Board Member
- 1999 – 2003 Chinese Wood Distribution Association, Board Member
- 1996 – 1999 Fujian Economics Association, Board Member
- 1995 – 2003 Association of National Parks & Recreation, Board Member
Awards, Grants, and Scholarships
- CIC Fellowship Canadian International Council, 2008
- Mary and David Macaree Fellowship, 2007
- Namkoong Family Fellowship, 2005
- VANDUSEN Graduate Fellowship, 2003
- UBC Entry Scholarship, 2003
- Study on the Min River Watershed Sustainable Development, awarded the second prize in Science & Technology Progress Achievements by Fujian Provincial Government in 2007
- Study on Jiulong River Forest Restoration and Sustainable Development Program, awarded the third prize in Science & Technology Progress Achievements by Fujian Provincial Government in 2002
- Study on Using the Approaches of Neural Networks System in Forest Statistics, awarded the third prize in Science & Technology Progress Achievements by State Bureau of Statistics of China in 2000.
- The World Forest Institute Fellowship Program, Oregon, USA, 1997
- Study on Multiple-ages, Multi-sites and Multi-functions on the Pinus elliotii Plantations awarded the third prize in Science & Technology Progress Achievements by Fujian Provincial Government in 1997.
- Study on Techniques of Forest Management and Development of Fujian State-owned Tree Farms, awarded the third prize in Science and Technology Progress Achievements by Ministry of Forestry of China in 1992.
- Study on Fujian Provincial Forest Resource Data Processing and Forest Resource Control Systems, awarded the third prize in Science & Technology Progress Achievement by Fujian Provincial Government by in 1985.
Selected, from 1993 – Present
Wang, G.Y., Innes, J.L., Liu, J., Yu, K. and Yan, K.H.B. 2011. Sustainability and land-use pattern change detection in the Min River Watershed, Fujian, China. Land Use Policy, submitted
Wang, G.Y., J.L. Innes. 2011. Watershed management in China: past, present and future development. Land Use and Water Resources Research, submitted.
Wang, G.Y., J.L. Innes, X. Reem Hajjar, Zhang, J. Wang. 2011. Public awareness and perceptions of watershed management in the Min River area, Fujian, China. Society and Natural Resources. Submitted.
Wang, G.Y., J.L. Innes, S.W. Wu,, S. Dai. 2011. Major challenges facing the sustainability of the forest sector in China. Forest Policy and Economics. Submitted.
Wang, G.Y., J.L. Innes, S.W. Wu, J. Krzyzanowski, Y. Yin, S. Dai, X. Zhang, S. Liu. 2011. National forest parks in China: Rapid development or accelerated destruction? Ambio, in Press.
Wang, G.Y., Innes, J.L., Yang, Y., Chen, S., J. Krzyzanowski, Xie, J. and Lin, W. 2011. Extent of soil erosion associated with large-scale infrastructure development and possible amelioration measures. Catena, in press.
Wang, G.Y., G.P.Miao, J.Saddler. 2011. Is investing in forestry in China an opportunity or a risk?
http://www.vancouversun.com/business/investing+forestry+China+opportunity+risk/5164742/story.html#ixzz1b6w0miHc.Vancouver Sun
Wang, Guangyu. 2009. The development of China’s forestry sector and its implication for Canada. Forest Policy for Canada’s Tomorrow. Canadian International Council.
Guangyu Wang, Guangping Miao, John Innes, Lei Zhang, Shuanyou Dai. 2009. New Market Systems for Post-Reform Development of Collective Forest Tenures in China: Progress, Issues and Challenges. XIII World Forestry Congress. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Oct. 18-23.
Wang, Guangyu, John Innes, Sara W. Wu, Dai, Shuanyou and Lei, Jiafu. 2008. The need to cut China’s illegal timber imports – Response. Science 319, 1184-1185
Wang, Guangyu. 2008. The development of China’s forestry sector and its implication for Canada. Forest Policy For Canada’s Tomorrow. Canadian International Council.
Wang, Guangyu. 2008. Canada’s forestry industry is missing the boat on China. View Points. Gazette. July 30, 2008. http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/features/viewpoints/story.html?id=94118b52-e5af-4463-891b-67d3df495774
Wang, Guangyu, John Innes, Sara W. Wu, Dai, Shuanyou and Lei, Jiafu. 2008. The need to cut China’s illegal timber imports – Response. Science 319, 1184-1185
Wang, G.Y., Innes, J.L., Wu, S. and Dai, S.Y. 2008. Towards a new paradigm: development and implications of China’s forestry in the 21st century. International Forestry Review 10(4):619-631.
Wang, G.-Y., J.L. Innes, S.-Y. Dai, and G.-H. He. 2008. Achieving sustainable rural development in Southern China: the contribution of bamboo forestry. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 15: 484-495.
Wang, Guangyu, John Innes, Lei, Jiafu, Dai, Shuanyou, Sara W. Wu. 2007. China’s forestry reforms. Science 318, 1556-1557
Wang, Guangyu. and John Innes 2005. Watershed sustainability: Strategic and tactical level assessments in the Min River Watershed, China. Environmental Informatics Archives 3: 76-83
Wang, Guangyu. 2003. Study on water conservation and soil properties of Chinese fir mixed stands. Journal of SCIENTIA SILVAE SINICAT. 39. (Spl): 15-20.
Yang, Yun and Wang, Guangyu. 2001. Study on sustainable management criteria and indicators in Fujian. Forestry Survey and Design 2: 34-40
Wang, Guangyu and Yang, Yun. (2001). Study on development strategies for Fujian forestry management and forest industry. Forestry Survey and Design 1:1-9
Liu, De Zhang and Wang, Guangyu. 2000. The impact on and challenge to Fujian forestry after China enter WTO. Forestry Economics 1:39-47
Wang, Guangyu. 1997. Study on forest recreation and national parks management. Forestry Survey and Design 2:1-26
Wang, Guangyu. 1996. Study on flora gene engineering and species introduction in the Fuzhou Arboretum. Journal of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology 2: 94-96
Wang, Guangyu. 1996. Study on ecological effect of plantations of Chinese fir in southern Fujian province. Journal of Fujian Forestry College 2: 156-159
Wang, Guangyu and Liu, Weiping. 1994. Study on production cost models of World Bank aided afforestation projects. Journal of Fujian Forestry College 2:34-39.
Wang, Guangyu. 1994. Analysis of overall management and decision adjustment on national parks. Forestry Economic Issues 2: 45-49
Wang, Guangyu. 1993. Study on rotation age of Chinese fir in south Fujian province. Journal of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology 4: 14-20
Wang, Guangyu. 1993. Study on compiled plantation stand stock tables of Chinese fir in Fuzhou district. Journal of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology 2:13-20
Conference presentations
Selected from 1997 – Present
Guangyu Wang, John Innes, Tongli Wang. 2011. Policy Development in Forest Management to a Changing Climate in Asia Pacific Region. Yichun, China, Aug 8-10, 2011. Sustainable Forest Management in changing Climate.
John Innes, Jiafu Lei, Guangyu Wang, Wenming Lu, Shuanyou Dai, Xiaoping Tang, Youxian Zhao. 2009. Development and Progress of Forest Certification in China. XIII World Forestry Congress. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Oct. 18-23. Submitted.
Jack Saddler, Jorma Neuvonen, Guangyu Wang. 2008. Strategies for growth: diversification, collaboration and internationalization. International Symposium on Forestry Education. December 10-12, 2008. Beijing, China
Guangyu Wang, John. L. Innes, Dai Shuanyou Dai. 2006. Integrated Watershed Assessment: Integration of Landuse and Land Cover Change Detection Approaches and Regional Sustainable Development Assessment, Keynote speech and Conference proceedings of Forests and Water in a Changing Environment, Beijing, August 8-10, 2006
John L. Innes and Wang Guangyu, 2006. Development of watershed planning, Conference proceedings of Forests and Water in a Changing Environment, Beijing, August 8-10, 2006
Wang Guangyu, John Innes. Watershed sustainability: Strategic and tactical level assessments in the Min River Watershed, the 2005 International Conference on Environmental Informatics held at Xiamen University on July 26-28, 2005.
Wang Guangyu, Chinese dragon: Customers or competitor? Spearhead speaker on the conference of international perspectives on forestry II held at World Forestry Center, Portland, Oregon, USA on September 12-13, 2005.
Wang, Guangyu. (2002). Fujian Sustainable Forest Management Practices and Issues, FAO Sustainable Forest Management Conference, Nov.7-12, Zhangzhou: 13 pages
Wang, Guangyu. (2002). The Min River watershed forest ecosystem restoration and sustainable management. Fuzhou: Fujian Forestry Association Annual Conference: Oct. 26, Fuzhou 10 pages
Wang, Guangyu. (2001). The Forestry Accounting System Development Strategy. Fujian Forestry Accounting Association Annual Conference: Mar, 13, Dehua: 20 pages
Wang Guangyu. (2000). The Impact and Challenge to Fujian Forestry after China Enter WTO. Fuzhou: Fujian Forestry Economics Association Annual Conference: Fuzhou: 15 pages
Wang, Guangyu. (1997). Overview of China’s Forest Resources, Nov. 5-6, 1997. World Forest Institute, Portland, USA: 9 pages