Theory and practice of sustainable forest management in different jurisdictions
Workable natural resource management systems and comparable standards of best practice
International governance, trade and development issues related to sustainability
Monitoring and information reporting for sustainable forest management in North America and Europe: Requirements, practices and perceptions.
Academic and Professional Experience
Professional Affiliations
Honorary Fellow, School of Forest and Ecosystem Science, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Awards, Grants and Scholarships
2006 Premiers Scholarship, State Government of Victoria
2005 Ph.D. Award for best doctoral dissertation 2004. Faculty of Forestry, UBC
2005 Faculty nomination for the Governor General’s Gold Medal in Science (Canada)
2005 Faculty nomination for the CAGS/UMI Distinguished Dissertation Award
2004 Young Scientist Publication Award, International Forestry Review, Commonwealth Forestry Association, Oxford, UK
2003 Du Pont Canada Fellowship in Pulp and Paper
2003 University of British Columbia Graduate Fellowship (UGF)
2002 Donald S McPhee Fellowship, University of British Columbia
2002 Brenda Hanson Memorial Scholarship in Forestry, University of British Columbia
Academic Qualifications
Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG), Monash University, Australia. Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA) 2007-08
University of British Columbia, Canada. Ph.D. (Forest Resource Management) 2004
The University of Melbourne, Australia. Bachelor of Forest Science (Honours) 1999
Books and technical series:
Innes, J.L., Hickey, G.M. and Hoen, H.F. (eds) (2005). Forestry and Environmental Change: Socioeconomic and Political Dimensions. IUFRO Research Series 11, CAB International Publishing, Oxford University Press. 256 p.
Hickey, G.M. and Innes, J.L. (2005). Scientific Review and Gap Analysis of Sustainable Forest Management Criteria and Indicator Initiatives. FORREX Series 17. 55 p.
Innes, J.L., Hickey, G.M. and Wilson, B. (eds) (2004). International perspectives on streamlining local-level information for sustainable forest management. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, B.C. Information Report BC-X-400. 128 p.
Journals (as Editor):
Hickey, G.M. (Guest Editor). Ecological Indicators. Elsevier. In Press.
Nitschke, C.R., Hickey, G.M., Mathey, A.H. and Allen, S.D. (Guest Editors). Forestry Chronicle 81(3). Canadian Institute of Foresters.
Peer reviewed research papers and book chapters
Hickey, G.M. (2007). Preface: Evaluating sustainable forest management. Ecological Indicators. In Press. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2006.11.011
Hickey, G.M. and Nitschke, C.R. (2007). Monitoring sustainable forest management in the Pacific Rim region. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 24(2/3): 245-278.
Hickey, G.M. and Nitschke, C.R. (2007). Monitoring sustainable forest management in the Pacific Rim region. IN: R.L. Deal, R. White and G.L. Benson (eds). Sustainable Forestry Management and Wood Production in a Global Economy. The Hawthorn Press, USA. 340 p. (Published simultaneously as the Journal of Sustainable Forestry, Vol. 24, No. 1, and Nos. 2/3.)
Hickey, G.M. and Innes, J.L. (2007). Indicators for demonstrating sustainable forest management in British Columbia, Canada: An international review. Ecological Indicators. In Press. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2006.11.005
Nitschke, C.R., Hickey, G.M. and Innes, J.L. (2007). Effectiveness monitoring of biodiversity in dynamic environments: Is it possible? IN: J.L. Innes and J.A. Timko (eds). Monitoring the effectiveness of biological conservation. UBC Press, Canada. In Press.
Innes, J.L. and Hickey, G.M. (2006). The importance of climate change when considering the role of forests in the alleviation of poverty. International Forestry Review 8(4): 406-416.
Hickey, G.M., Innes, J.L. and Kozak R.A. (2006). Monitoring and information reporting for sustainable forest management: A regional comparison of forestry stakeholder perceptions. Journal of Environmental Management. In Press. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.07.004
Hickey, G.M., Innes, J.L., Kozak, R.A., Bull, G.Q. and Vertinsky, I. (2006). Monitoring and information reporting for sustainable forest management: An inter-jurisdictional comparison of soft law standards. Forest Policy and Economics 9(4): 297-315.
Hickey, G.M. and Innes, J.L. (2006). Monitoring and information reporting through regulation: An inter-jurisdictional comparison of forestry-related hard laws. Silva Fennica 40(2): 365-387.
Hickey, G.M. and Nitschke, C.R. (2005). Crossing disciplinary boundaries in forest research: An international challenge. Forestry Chronicle 81(3): 321-323.
Hickey, G.M. and Innes, J.L. (2005). Monitoring sustainable forest management in different jurisdictions. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 108(1-3): 241-260.
Nitschke, C.R., Hickey, G,M., Mathey, A.H. and Allen, S.D. (2005). Editorial. Forestry Chronicle 81 (3): 295-295.
Hickey, G.M., Innes, J.L., Kozak R.A., Bull, G.Q. and Vertinsky, I. (2005). Monitoring and information reporting for sustainable forest management: An international multiple case study analysis. Forest Ecology and Management 209(3): 237-259.
Strimbu, B.M., Hickey, G.M. and Strimbu, V.G. (2005). Forest conditions and management under rapid legislation change in Romania. Forestry Chronicle 31(3): 350-358.
Innes, J.L. and Hickey, G.M. (2005). Certification of forest management and wood products. IN Innes, J.L., Hickey, G.M. and Hoen, H.F. (eds). Forestry and Environmental Change: Socioeconomic and Political Dimensions. IUFRO Research Series 11, CAB International Publishing, Oxford.
Hickey, G.M. (2004). Regulatory approaches to monitoring sustainable forest management. International Forestry Review 6(2): 89-98.
Innes, J.L., Wilson, B. and Hickey, G.M. (2004). Streamlining planning and reporting for sustainable forest management. IN Innes, J.L., Hickey, G.M. and Wilson, B. (eds). International perspectives on streamlining local-level information for sustainable forest management. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, B.C. Information Report BC-X-400. pp. 105-109.
Schopfhauser, W. and Hickey, G.M. (2001). Confederation of European Paper Industries’ Comparative Matrix of Forest Certification Systems. IN Rolfe, T.J. (ed). The Nature and Culture of Forests: Implications of Diversity for Sustainability, Trade and Certification. Institute for European Studies, University of British Columbia. pp. 187-192.
Conference papers
Hickey, G.M. and Dean, K. (2006). Research demonstration: Evaluating sustainable forest management. Proceedings of the XXII IUFRO World Congress. pp. 67.
Nitschke, C.R., Hickey, G.M. (2006). Crossing borders: International perspectives on interdisciplinary research. Proceedings of the XXII IUFRO World Congress. pp. 95-96.
Hickey, G.M. and Nitchke, C.R. (2005). Monitoring sustainable forest management in the Pacific Rim. (abstract) International Forestry Review 7(5): 233.
Hickey, G.M. and Innes, J.L. (2005). Scientific review and gap analysis of SFM criteria and indicator initiatives: The case of British Columbia. (abstract) International Forestry Review 7(5): 217.
Hickey, G.M. and Innes, J.L. (2003). The Battle of Evermore? Global lessons from hard versus soft laws for monitoring forestry. (summary) IN Conference Proceedings: C – People and Forests in Harmony. XXI World Forestry Congress, Quebec City, CANADA.
Hickey, G.M. and Innes, J.L. (2003). The Communication Breakdown: How can better information management ‘streamline’ the forest certification process? (abstract) IN Innes, T. (Ed). Natural Resources Information Management Forum: Putting Knowledge to Work. FORREX, British Columbia, CANADA. Series No. 8. pp. 53.