Dr. Joleen Timko


Evaluating Ecological Integrity and Social Equity in National Parks: Case Studies from Canada and South Africa


effectiveness evaluation; criteria and indicators; indigenous co-management; parks and protected areas


I am the Managing Director and a co-founder of AFRICAD (the Africa Forests Research Initiative on Conservation and Development) based out of the Faculty of Forestry at UBC.  At AFRICAD, we work in Africa’s forested regions to pursue conservation-based approaches that address poverty alleviation, sustainable livelihoods, social equity, and conflicts over forest resources. We aim to be a leader, in both the generation of knowledge through scientific inquiry and the communication of knowledge through teaching and capacity building, on poverty and livelihoods in Africa. To ensure our research is policy-relevant and applicable to local needs, we take the necessary actions to engage local people, policy-makers, civil society, governments, other research institutes, and ENGOs. We pursue research in the forested environments of Africa to support knowledge generation and communication under four main themes: Dynamics of Human Health in Forest Environments; Effectiveness of Conservation and Development; Livelihoods and Economic Development; and Equity, Social Justice and Conflict. Within these themes, we maintain a consistent focus on poverty and inequality, rights and tenure over resources, the dynamics of climate change, and good governance. For further information on my present work, please visit our website at www.africad.ubc.ca

Academic and Professional Experience

Research Experience

2008-Present UBC Faculty of Forestry, Research Associate: AFRICAD

2006 UBC Faculty of Forestry, Research Assistant: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mountain Pine Beetle Mitigation Strategies

2004-2006 UBC Faculty of Forestry, Research Assistant: “Monitoring the Effectiveness of Biological Conservation”

2003-2005 UBC Protected Areas Research Group, Research Member/Assistant: Seeking Socio-Cultural Justice in the Management of Protected Areas

2003-2004 UBC Faculty of Anthropology, Research Assistant: The Resilient Communities Project

2001 UBC Sustainable Development Research Initiative (SDRI), Intern: “Assessing Community Capacity for the Uptake of a Sustainable Technology (biogas digesters) in Vietnam

Professional Experience

2008-Present UBC Faculty of Forestry, Research Associate/Managing Director: AFRICAD

2003 Letts-Envirowise Environment Consultants, Vancouver: Field Biologist

2003 B.C. Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management: Research Assistant

2002-03 Canadian Community Monitoring Network, EMAN/Environment Canada: Regional Coordinator

2002 Wildcanada.net, Canmore: Campaign Coordinator

2001 Alberta Wilderness Association, Calgary, AB: Conservation Specialist

1998 University of Calgary: Field Research Assistant

1997 Pandion Ecological Services Ltd., Nelson, B.C.: Wildlife Biologist

Professional Affiliations

Society for Conservation Biology (SCB)

Society for Conservation Biology-Africa Working Group

Society for Conservation Biology-Social Science Working Group

Madagascar Conservation & Development, Journal (Editor)

International Association for Society & Natural Resources

Natural Areas Association

Centre for Applied Conservation Research (CACR)-UBC

UBCAfrica Network


Teaching Experience

2008 Dept. of Geography, UBC: Sessional Instructor

2007 Faculty of Forestry, UBC: Teaching Assistant

2005 Faculty of Forestry, UBC: Teaching Assistant

2002 Mount Royal College, Calgary: Biology Lab Instructor

2002 Mount Royal College, Calgary: Ecology Lab Instructor

2000 Department of Geography, UBC: Teaching Assistant

1999 Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University: Teaching Assistant

Conference Presentations

“Are Parks Working? A Summary of the Results and Challenges of Evaluating Ecological and Socio-Cultural Effectiveness in Case Study National Parks”. Society for Conservation Biology 21st Annual Meeting: One World, One Conservation, One Partnership, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 1-5 July 2007.

“Results and Challenges of Evaluating Effectiveness in National Parks.” British Columbia Protected Areas Research Forum: Fostering Connections between Protected Areas and Research, Victoria, BC, 4-6 December 2006.

“Evaluating Ecological and Socio-Cultural Effectiveness in National Parks.” 12th International Symposium on Society & Natural Resources: Social Sciences in Resource Management: Global Challenges & Local Responses, Vancouver, BC, 3-8 June 2006.

“Evaluating Socio-Cultural and Ecological Effectiveness in National Parks: key criteria and indicators.” The Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting: World on Edge, Vancouver, BC, 28 March-2 April 2006.

“Evaluating Effectiveness in Parks: Does indigenous co- management make a difference?” The 2005 George Wright Society Biennial Conference on Parks, Protected Areas and Cultural Sites: People, Places and Parks: Preservation for Future Generations, Philadelphia, PA, 14-18 March 2005.

“Conservation At What Cost? The Social Implications of Protected Areas and the Role of Local People in Vietnam.” 7th Annual Resource Management & Environmental Studies Student Conference: Resources and Communities, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, 16 February 2004.
“A Conceptual Framework for Integrating Communities and Conservation”. The Leading Edge Conference 2003: Stewardship and Conservation in Canada, Victoria, BC, 3-6 July 2003.

Commitee Membership

Director, Seymour Arm Community Association (SACA)

Selection Committee, Namkoong Teaching and Research Exchange-UBC Forestry

Awards, Grants and Scholarships

SSHRC Research Development Initative Award

Namkoong Family Fellowship, UBC Forestry
Society for Conservation Biology Annual Meeting Travel Award—Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Forest Leadership Conference Scholarship–Vancouver, BC

Canadian Window on International Development Award, International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Tim and Ann O’Riordan Fellowship, UBC

Tim and Ann O’Riordan Fellowship, UBC
Donald S. McPhee Fellowship UBC Forestry

Canon National Parks Science Scholars Program for the Americas—Honourable Mention

Hampton Fund Research Grant, UBC
Alan Masters Memorial Award, Yoho Burgess Shale Foundation

Student Research Grant, Northwest Regional Consortium for South East Asian Studies Innovative Research Award, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Academic Qualifications

2008 Ph.D. Faculty of Forestry,University of British Columbia
2001 M.Sc. Resource Management and Environmental Studies (RMES) Program, University of British Columbia
1996 B.Sc. Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Victoria


Refereed Publications
Timko, J.A. and J.L. Innes. 2009. Evaluating Ecological Integrity in National Parks: Case Studies in Canada and South Africa. Biological Conservation 142: 676-688.

Timko, J. and T. Satterfield. 2008. Criteria and Indicators for Evaluating Socio-cultural and Ecological Effectiveness in National Parks and Protected Areas”. Natural Areas Journal 28(3): 307-319.

Timko, J. and T. Satterfield. 2008. Seeking Equity in National Parks: Case Studies from South Africa and Canada. Conservation & Society 6(3): 238-254

Coops, N.C., Timko, J.A., Wulder, M.A., White, J.C., Otrlepp, S.M. 2008. Investigating the effectiveness of mountain pine beetle mitigation strategies. International Journal of Pest Management 54(2): 151-165.

Non-Refereed Publications
Timko, J. 2008. Review of “Reducing poverty and sustaining the environment: The politics of local engagement.” Environmental Politics. 17(3): 514-515.

Timko, J. 2008. Review of “Logjam: Deforestation and the Crisis of Global Governance.” Environmental Politics. 17(1): 174-175.

Innes, J.L. and J.A. Timko (Editors.). 2007. Proceedings of the “Monitoring the Effectiveness of Biological Conservation” Conference, 2-4 November 2004, Richmond, BC. URL: http://www.forrex.org/events/mebc/papers.html.

Innes, J.L. and J.A. Timko. 2007. Introduction. Pages 8-9 in Proceedings of the “Monitoring the Effectiveness of Biological Conservation” Conference, 2-4 November 2004, Richmond, BC. URL: http://www.forrex.org/events/mebc/papers.html

Timko, J. 2006. Evaluating Effectiveness in Parks: Does indigenous co-management make a difference? Pages 219-225 in Proceedings of the 2005 George Wright Society Biennial Conference: Parks, Protected Areas and Cultural Sites, 14-18 March, 2005, Philadelphia, PA.

Timko, J. 2005. A Conceptual Framework for Integrating Communities and Conservation in Canada. Pages 227-240 in Proceedings of The Leading Edge Conference 2003: Stewardship and Conservation in Canada, 3-6 July 2003, Victoria, BC.

Timko, J. 2001. Conservation At What Cost? A Case Study of the Social Implications of Protected Areas and the Role of Local People in Vietnam. M.Sc. Thesis. The University of British Columbia: Vancouver, BC

Timko, J. 2006. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Beetle Management Strategies. Mountain Pine Beetle Initiative, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, British Columbia. 18p.

Extension Activities
Timko, J. 2003. Participation in Community-based Ecological Monitoring. Biosphere Reserves in Canada, 15, p. 15.

Community Outreach
Timko, J. 2001. Kananaskis Country: Spray Lake Sawmills’ Forest Management Agreement (FMA). WildLands Advocate, 9(5), 10.

Timko, J. 2001. The G8 in Kananaskis? WildLands Advocate, 9(4), 8.


2006 Lecture (1 x 2 hours) to 15 graduate students in the Master’s Course “Human Dimensions of Biological Conservation” at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia

2002 Lecture (6 x 1 hour) entitled “Personal Consumption, Ecological Footprint and Cumulative Impacts” to Grade 8 students (~150) at St. Vincent de Paul, Calgary, AB.

2001 Lecture (6 x 1 hour) entitled “Bigger is Better: Wildlife Conservation in the Rocky Mountains” to Grade 7 and 8 students (~200) at St. Vincent de Paul, Calgary, AB.

2001 Lecture (1×1 hour) entitled “People and Parks: Seeking Sustainable Relationships” to 100 3rd year undergraduate students in The Faculty of Geography, University of Calgary, AB.

Workshop Facilitation
2003 “Assessing Community Monitoring Needs and Priorities in Southwestern Alberta”. Canadian Community Monitoring Network Workshop, Pincher Creek, Alberta.