My research interest lies in the methodology used to evaluate social forestry intervention programs such as extension, policy, community forestry, and international development.
Program Evaluation Behaviours of Natural Resource Extension Professionals in the U.S.
Morford S. and S. Mulkey 2004. Evaluation of Community Forestry Programs, a chapter in the Community Forestry Guidebook for British Columbia, to be published September 2004 (
Morford, S. 2004. Moving along the community-researcher continuum towards participatory research in British Columbia. Journal of Ecosystems and Management (in press). (
Morford, S. 2004. Participatory Research in Rural Communities in Transition: A Case Study of the Ucluelet-Malaspina University College Research Alliance. Journal of Ecosystems and Management (in press). (
Morford, S. and W. Haider. 2004. What does (and can) Social Science do for Resource Management in British Columbia? Journal of Ecosystems and Management (in press) (
Morford, S. 2004. Beyond Counting Heads: Developing Capacity for Measuring the Impacts of Interpretive and non-formal Education Programs, paper to be presented at the National Association of Interpretation Annual Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan, November 2004.
Weir, R., Davis, H, Gayton, D. and Morford, S. 2004. Survey of Badger Burrow Damage to Machinery and Livestock, unpublished report for the B.C. Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection.
Morford, S. 2003. The NGO Model for Forestry Extension in Western Canada, International Union of Forestry Research Organizations Forestry Extension Working Group Conference, Troutdale, Oregon. Http://
Morford, S. 2003. District Perceptions Regarding Vancouver Region Research Section and Input on Research Priorities. Unpublished report for B.C. Ministry of Forests.
Morford, S., D. Ellis, and J. Turner. 2003. Needs Analysis regarding Silviculture Industry Health and Safety in British Columbia, unpublished report for the B.C. Forest Industry Safety Association, B.C.
Suvedi, M., S. Morford, and C. Christoffel. 2003. A Conceptual Framework for Evaluating Sustainable Agriculture Programs. Journal of Crop Production, Vol. 9, no. 1.
Suvedi, M. and S. Morford. 2003. Conducting Program and Project Evaluations: A Primer for Natural Resource Managers in British Columbia. FORREX- Forest Research and Extension Partnership, Kamloops, B.C. (
Morford, S., D. Parker, H. Rogers, C. Salituro, and T. Waldichuk. 2003. Culture, Worldviews, Communication styles, and Conflict in Forest Management. Journal of Ecosystems and Management, Vol. 3, no.1.
Morford, S. and J. James (ed). 2002. Incorporating the Human Dimension: The Role of Social Science in Natural Resource Management in British Columbia. FORREX-Forest Research and Extension Partnership, Kamloops, B.C.
Morford, S. 2000. Information Gaps Regarding Hybrid Poplar: The Results of a Survey of Resources Managers in Southern Interior British Columbia. FORREX Series, 2:
Morford, S. 2000. Identifying Information Gaps of Community Forest Pilots in British Columbia, Southern Interior Forest Extension and Research Partnership, British Columbia (unpublished report for B.C. Ministry of Forests).
Hollstedt, C., S. Morford and K. Swift. 1999. Sharing Solutions and Management Models for Community-Based Tenures in British Columbia, Southern Interior Forest Extension and Research Partnership, File Report 99-6.
Morford, S. 1998. Aboriginal Cultural Eco-Tourism: A Look at Potential, unpublished technical paper for Musgamagw Tsawataineuk Tribal Council. Alert Bay, B.C.
Morford, S. 1998. Aboriginal Wood Carving as a Value-Added Forest Product in B.C., unpublished technical paper for Musgamagw Tsawataineuk Tribal Council. Alert Bay, B.C.
Morford, S. 1998. Opportunities in the Forest Sector: A Study for First Nations of the Kwakiutl District Council and Musgamagw Tsawataineuk Tribal Council. Unpublished technical paper, Alert Bay, B.C.
Macy, H. with contributions from Morford, S., 1997. Extension and Demonstration Services for the Forgotten Forest. Technical report, Forest Renewal B.C.